Facilities and Services Standing Committee

The University Facilities and Services Standing Committee report to the Chief Financial Officer. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and advising on all matters relating to buildings and grounds, parking, campus security and safety, and other staff services as they relate to the use of University facilities and the academic programs of the University.


The Chief Financial Officer will annually appoint members to The University Facilities and Services Standing Committee. Its functions shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Reviewing staff services relating to maintenance of buildings and grounds to ensure consistent support of academic programs and accessible use of University facilities.
  • Advising the CFO concerning ways to improve buildings, grounds, and other staff services to the University community.
  • Serving as Facilities Management SRI Governance Team to recommend facilities budget annually to the SRI Executive Leadership Team.
  • Assisting the University Budget Task Force in establishing priorities by advising the committee on renovations, extraordinary maintenance, and deferred maintenance projects.
  • Reviewing recommendations for building identification information before forwarding to the CFO for endorsement and submission to the President for approval.
  • Advising Campus Planning and Design regarding the Campus Master Plan and the University Signage and Graphics Program.
  • Advising Physical Plant and Campus Planning and Design on University Policies and Procedures as they relate to University facilities and services.
  • Providing a means of enhancing communications among Physical Plant, Campus Planning & Design and University faculty, students and staff.

All formal recommendations and decisions of the Committee are advisory. They should be submitted to the CFO for review, discussion with the President, and action.

MEETINGS: The first meeting should be held early in the new school year, preferably in September. Thereafter, meetings will be held as necessary to fulfill the committee's function(s).

COMPOSITION: The CFO will appoint the chair of the committee. Two faculty members will be appointed from Faculty Senate recommendations and two staff members will be appointed from Staff Senate recommendations. Student representation will include a member of the SGA Student Services committee, an undergraduate, and a graduate student. Other members will include the Assistant Vice President for Physical Plant, the Assistant Vice President for Campus Planning and Design, Director of Disability Resources for Students, Director of Police Services, Director of Residence Life, Manager of Environmental Health and Safety, Chair and Co-Chair of the Space Policy Council. The Space Planning Director and the liaison to the University Neighborhood District. will serve as ex-officio members.

REPORTS TO: Chief Financial Officer.

ANNUAL REPORT: Due on or before July 15 and shall contain at least the following information: activities, issues, and proposed solutions discussed by the committee; an outline of unresolved issues which might be considered, discussed, and acted upon during the next year; a report on contributions of committee members; and any recommendations for membership on the following year's committee.

2017 | 2016

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