CERI Graduate Student Dissertations

1981 August Bob Matthew Regis MS Arch C. Johnston Significance of Earth Movements Along Lake Austell in Village Creek State Park, Arkansas
1983 August Ann Garrecht Metzger MS Arch C. Johnston A Detailed Analysis of a Major Foreshock-Main Shock-Aftershock Sequence of the 1982-83 Arkansas Earthquake Swarm
1983 December Susan Jane Nava MS Arch C. Johnston The New Madrid Seismic Zone:  A Test Case for Naturally Induced Seismicity
1984 December George D. Gracey III MS Jer-Ming Chiu Focal  Mechanism and Seismic Wave Velocity Studies of the Arkansas Earthquake Swarm
1985 August William Mark Powers MS Arch C. Johnston A Seismic Refraction Survey in Eastern Tennessee
1985 August Barry Chamberlain MS   A Gravimeter Survey across the Kowaliga Block Tallapoosa County, Alabama
1986 August Stephen I. Brewer MS Jer-Ming Chiu Study of Crustal Structure in the Middle Mississippi Embayment Using Long-Period Synthetic Seismogram Techniques
1986 August Sharon L. Everett MS Jose M. Pujol A Joint Hypocenter Determination of Earthquakes in the Southern Appalachians
1986 December James H. Bollwerk MS Arch C. Johnston Seismic Study of the Southern Appalachians Using a Local Telemetered Seismic Array
1987 August Byau-Heng Chiu MS Jer-Ming Chiu Crustal Structure Studies of the Arkansas Earthquake Swarm region Using Three-Dimensional Velocity Inversion Method
1988 May Ronald T. Dow MS Eugene S. Schweig III Geologic and Groundwater Parameters Affecting the Stability of the Lake Austell Landslide, Village Creek State Park, Eastern Arkansas
1988 May Dawn Elizabeth Mullen MS Jose M. Pujol Generation of Synthetic Vertical Seismic Profiles for Two Dimensional Models and Applications to Data Interpretation
1988 August Robert P. Dziak MS Steven G. Wesnousky Source Characteristics of Earthquakes Near North Island, New Zealand and Their Tectonic Implications
1988 August Silvio K. Pezzopane MS Steven G. Wesnousky Earthquakes and Crustal Deformation near Taiwan
1988 August John Andrew Vlasity MS Jer-Ming Chiu A Study of Seismicity in the Subducted Nazca Plate Beneath the San Juan, Argentia Region Using High Resolution Digital Data Collected by the PANDA Array
1988 December Frank Walter Thomas MS Lisa R. Kanter Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of the Reelfoot Rift Along the COCORP Seismic Profiles
1988 December Don Anthony Vlasity MS Jer-Ming Chiu A Crustal Seismicity Study in the San Juan, Argentina Region Using Digital Seismograms Collected by the PANDA Array
1989 May Chia-Hsun Chen MS Wai-Ying Chung Shear Wave Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Southern Appalachian Region from the Analysis of Teleseismic Rayleigh Waves
1989 May Gregory L. Root MS Wai-Ying Chung Deep Velocity Structure of the Southern Appalachians and Tennessee Highlands from Analysis of teleseismic P-Wave Residuals
1989 December Ronald T. Marple MS Eugene S. Schweig III Recent Discoveries in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Using Remote Sensing
1989 December Guang Yu MS Howard H.M. Hwang Estimates of Strong Ground Motion in Shelby County, Tennessee, Resulting from Large Earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
1990 May Benjamin Jose Brantley MS Wai-Ying Chung Source Parameters and Seismotectonics of Six Intraplate Earthquakes Bordering the Stable Continental Margin of Eastern China and Korea
1990 May Qiang Cheng MS Jose M. Pujol Three-Dimensional P- and S- Wave Velocity Structure from Inversion of Local Arrival Times. Applications to Data from the Andean Foreland in San Juan, Argentina
1990 August Wei-Chuang Huang MS Jer-Ming Chiu Crustal Structure Studies of the Arkansas Earthquake Swarm Region from the Analysis of Converted Body Waves
1990 August Robert E. Lemmer MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Estimating the Relative Ages of Offset Alluvial Fans in Southern Panamint Valley, Inyo County, California
1990 December Allison L. Dennen MS Eugene S. Schweig, III An Investigation of Loess Centers in Northwestern Tennessee
1990 December Alfonso Alvarez Wilson MS Jose M. Pujol Computer Software for the Processing and Interpretation of Vertical Seismic Profiling Data Including the Study of Seismic Wave Attenuation
1990 December Chengyen Paul Yao MS H. James Dorman Short-Period Surface Wave Dispersion and Shallow Crustal Structure of Central and  Eastern Tennessee
1991 May Lisa M. Leffler MS Steven G. Wesnousky Paleoseismic Study of the Southern New Madrid Seismic Zone by Using Liquefaction Features as Seismic Indicators
1991 December Zheng Ding MS Eugene S. Schweig, III An Investigation of the Relationship Between the 1811-12 New Madrid Earthquakes and Landslides on Crowley's Ridge, Arkansas
1991 December Bridget Lois Jensen MS Wai-Ying Chung Source Parameters and Seismotectonics of Three Earthquakes in the Stable Continental Interior of Africa
1992 May Yung-Tun Yang MS Jer-Ming Chiu Fault Zone Geometry and Crustal Velocity Structures in the Central New Madrid Seismic Zone Using Data from the PANDA Seismic Array
1992 August Fan Shen MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey in the New Madrid Seismic Zone - Bootheel Lineament
1992 December William H. McCroskey, III MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Sinuosity and Gradient Index as Indicators of Neotectonism
1992 December Maria Cristina Reta MS Robert Smalley, Jr. High Resolution View of the Wadati-Benioff Zone and Determination of the Moho Depth in San Juan, Argentina
1993 August Charlotte A. Haas MS Michael A. Ellis An Investigation of the Seismicity in the New Madrid and Southern Appalachian Regions: Origin of Catalog Periodicities and Seismic Rate Changes
1993 December David P. Nicholas MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey Across the Crittenden County Fault Zone in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
1993 December Narasimha Rao Patri MS Tzyy-Shio Chang Soil Effects on Regional Seismic Hazard in West Tennessee
1994 May Hongsheng Li MS Arch C. Johnston A Focal Mechanism Analysis of Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone Earthquakes
1994 May Tao Liu MS Wai-Ying Chung Source Parameters and Seismotectonics of Six Intracontinental Earthquakes in Argentina and Chile
1994 August Jiaquan Wang MS Wai-Ying Chung Source Parameters and Tectonic Implications of Several Intraplate Earthquakes in South America
1995 May Patrick Eugene Drouin MS Roy B. Van Arsdale A Paleoseismic Study of Crowley's Ridge and A West Bounding Fault of the Reelfoot Rift
1995 August Xiaohui Cai MS Paul A. Bodin Dynamic Deformations from Aftershocks of the January 17, 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake
1995 August Yipeng Chen MS Jose M. Pujol Reprocessing and Interpretation of Reflection Seismic Data from a Reactivated Rift in the Andean Foreland in Northwestern Argentina
1995 August Kou-Cheng Chen Ph.D. Jer-Ming Chiu Earthquake Studies Using the PANDA and PANDA II Seismic Arrays: (1) Studies of Shear Wave Velocity and Attenuation in the Sedimentary Basin, and Source Properties of Local Earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and (2) Lateral Velocity Variations in the Hualien Area, eastern Taiwan
1995 August Charles Henry Lumsden MS Roy B. Van Arsdale The Northern Extension of the Reelfoot Scarp into Kentucky and Missouri
1995 August Baozhu Wei MS Shahram Pezeshk Seismic Acceleration Coefficients for Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee
1995 December Hong Gao MS Wai-Ying Chung Source Parameters of Four Intraplate Earthquakes from Modeling of WWSSN and Pre-WWSSN Data with Tectonic Implications
1995 December Yiguang Hu MS Jose M. Pujol Seismic Wave Attenuation in Germany's Deep Borehole Area from VSP Data
1995 December Yong Li Ph.D. Eugene S. Schweig, III Tectonic Evolution, Crustal Structure and Paleoearthquake Studies of the New Madrid Seismic Zone
1995 December Yongxia Yan MS Wai-Ying Chung Aftershock Characteristics and Their Regional Variations in Taiwan
1995 December John Craven III MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Paleoseismic Study in the New Madrid Seismic Zone using Geological and Archeological Features ti Constrain Ages of Liquefaction Deposits
1995 December Matthew Llewellin MS Michael Ellis An Examination of Subsidiary Faulting Along the Central Section of the San Andreas Fault, California
1996 August Lauren Bauer MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Studies of Historic and Prehistoric Earthquake-induced Liquefaction features in the Mezoseismic Area of the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes, Central United States
1996 December Duncan S. Matheson MS Paul A. Bodin A Laboratory Study of Interface Separation Waves: A Possible Explanation for Weak Crustal Faults
1996 December Jodi L. Purser MS Roy B. Van Arsdale Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey Along the Southern Margin of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, and Regional Implications
1997 May Zen-Sen Liaw Ph.D. Jer-Ming  Chiu Implementation of a Seismic Inversion Method and Its Applications to a Seismotectonic Study of the Southern Region of North Island of New Zealand
1997 December David Holton MS Paul A. Bodin Dynamic Deformation in Middle America
1998 August Robin Mihills MS Roy B. Van Arsdale A Structural Analysis of the New Madrid Seismic Zone From Structural Contour Maps and a Three-Dimensional Model
1998 December Minchu Mo MS Robert Smalley, Jr. Deformation of Andes in Chile and Argentina by Continuous GPS Measurement
1998 December Andy Tenbrink MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Neogene Geometry and Kinematics of Central Panama
1999 August Fuchun Gao MS Jer-Ming Chiu High-Resolution Upper Crustal P and S Velocity Structures in the Upper Mississippi Embayment
1999 August Deborah L. Kilb Ph.D. Joan S. Gomberg The Influence of One Earthquake on Another
1999 December Kwang-Hee Kim MS Jer-Ming Chiu Crustal Structure Study of the Taiwan Region from Receiver Function Analysis
1999 December Peng Shen MS Jose M. Pujol Simultaneous Travel Time Inversion for 3D Velocity Model and Earthquake Locations: Application to the Northridge, California, 1994 Mainshock-Aftershock Sequence
2000 May Kevin Smith MS Paul A. Bodin Using Microtremor to Illuminate Subsurface Geology of Memphis, Tennessee
2002 August Maria Soledad Velasco MS Roy B. Van Arsdale Investigation of Possible Quaternary Faulting Beneath the Cities of Memphis, Germantown, Shelby County, Tennessee
2002 August Sarah L. Brubaker MS Michael A. Ellis Tectonics and Topography of the West-Central Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Taiwan
2003 December Kwang Hee-Kim Ph.D. Jer-Ming Chiu Subsurface Structure Seismicity, and Their Implication to Tectonic Evolution of Taiwan
2004 December Victor M. Santillan MS Robert Smalley, Jr. Deformation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone from Continuous GPS Geodesy
2005 August Tandrima Mukherjee MS Paul A. Bodin Remotely Triggered Seismicity and the M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, Alaska
2005 August Thomas B. Brackman MS Mitch Withers Shakemap Implementation for the Upper Mississippi Valley
2005 August Concilia C. Fasola MS Charles A. Langston Reprocessing of a USGS Mississippi River Shallow Seismic Survey
2006 August James P. Davis MS Robert Smalley, Jr. Continuing Evolution of the GPS Array of Middle America
2006 August Laurel Bauer MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Studies of Historic and Prehistoric Earthquake-induced Liquefaction features in the Mezoseismic Area of the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes, Central United States
2006 August Andrea J. Raphael Ph.D. Paul A. Bodin Seismogenesis and the Time Dependence of Crustal Strength
2006 August JuanJuan Cao MS Charles A. Langston Structure in the Upper Crust at the Southern Terminus of The Blytheville Arch, Eastern Arkansas
2007 May Qingwen Miao Ph.D. Charles A. Langston The Local Magnitude Scale and Seismicity of the Central United States
2007 August Allison Shumway MS Chris H. Cramer Focal Mechanisms of the Northeast New Madrid Seismic Zone
2007 December Danya R. Pase MS Eugene S. Schweig, III Tectonic Activity of the Great Northern Puerto Rico Fault Zone: A Remote Sensing Interpretation and Field Validation Study
2007 December Yvonne Paisant MS M. Beatrice Magnani Continental Accretion: The Caribbean-South American Oblique Collision in the South Caribbean Deformed Belt
2008 August Jerome Kutliroff MS Chris H. Cramer Seismic Hazard Mapping for the Dead Sea Fault Region
2008 August Ting-Li Lin Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Infrasonic Induced Ground Motion
2008 August Chuntao Liang Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Studies in Passive Seismic Imaging and Wave Gradiometry
2008 December Jiandang Ge Ph.D. M. Beatrice Magnani Imaging a Shallow Aquitard with Seismic Data in Memphis, TN
2008 December Gregory A. Johnson MS Mitch Withers Using Earthquake Focal Mechanisms to Investigate Seismotectonics in New Madrid Seismic Zone
2008 December Zack Lawrence Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Active Source Strong Motion Field Studies and in SITU Measurements of Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Shallow, Unconsolidated Sediments
2009 May Meredith Dunn Ph.D. Christine A. Powell High Resolution Earthquake Locations and Velocity Models in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
2009 May Ivan Rabak Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Crustal Structure of the Reelfoot Rift
2010 May Chu-Chioung Chi Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Shallow Crustal Structure in the Upper Mississippi Embayment
2010 August Elige B. Grant Ph.D. Charles A. Langston Gladwin tensor Strainmeter Calibration Using Seismic Data: Instrument Calibration Methods and Wave Gradiometry Applications
2010 December Solomon T. Ayele MS Steve Horton Source Parameter Study Based on the April 18, 2008 (Mw 5.4) Mt. Carmel, Illinois Earthquake Sequence
2010 December Michael W. Towle MS M. Beatrice Magnani Variations in the Seismic Quality Factor Q for the Mississippi Embayment Sediments Utilizing Spectral Analysis of Reflection Data
2011 May Biniam Asmerom Ph.D. Jer-Ming Chiu 3-D Velocity Structures, Seismicity Patterns, and Their Tectonic Implications Across the Foreland of San Juan, Argentina
2011 May Paul Ogwari MS Steve Horton Effects of Style of Faulting on Earthquake Ground Motions in New Madrid Seismic Zone
2011 December Chigozie Obikili MS Jer-Ming Chiu Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Unconsolidated Sediments of the Upper Mississippi Embayment
2012 May Jordan Graw MS Christine Powell A Study of Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure for the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone using P-wave Transfer Functions
2012 August Mehari Ayele MS Charles Langston Crustal Velocity Structure around the SAFOD Borehole using Vertical Wave Gradiometry
2012 May Mehmet Onur Mataracioglu MS M. Beatrice Magnani Investigation of Collison Styles of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) vs. Normal Oceanic Crust Using Seismic Reflection
2012 August Mehari Ayele MS Charles Langston Crustal Velocity Structure around the SAFOD Borehole using Vertical Wave Gradiometry
2012 December Melissa Driskell-Moore PhD Heather DeShon 3D Double Difference Velocity Tomography of the Middle America Subduction Zone Beneath Nicaragua
2013 May James Davis PhD Robert Smalley, Jr. Seismic Array Processing of High-Rate GPS Data
2013 May Sara Kelemencky MS Christine Powell New 1-D and 3-D Velosity Models and Hypocenter Locations for the Charlevoix Seismic Zone
2013 August Nayeem Al Noman MS Chris Cramer Ground Motion Prediction Modeling for ENA: An Empirical Approach with the NGA-East Database
2013 August Shishay Bisrat PhD Heather DeShon Three Dimensional Attenuation and High Resolution Earthquake Location: Applications to the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone
2013 December Luke Philip Ogweno MS Cgris Cramer Model Bias Analysis Using Statistical Methods with the NGA East Ground Motion Database
2014 May Adewale Moroof Amosu PhD Robert Smalley, Jr. Elastic Deformation of the Earth's Crust from Surface Loading Phenomena
2014 December Matthew Cooley MS Christine Powell A New Set of Focal Mechanisms and a Geodynamic Model for the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
2014 December Donny Dangkua PhD Chris Cramer/Charles Langston Engineering Seismology Studies in Linear and Non-linear Ground Motion
2014 December Lauren Kendall PhD Charles Langston High-Frequency Gradiometry
2014 December Md. Monsurul Huda MS Charles Langston Coherence and Variability of Ground Motion over 600 m of the NonVolcanic Tremor Array Site at Mooring, TN
2015 May Lei Guo PhD M. Beatrice Magnani/ Christine Powell Location And Characteristic Features of the Quaternary Deformation in the Mississippi Embayment from High-resolution Seismic Reflection Data
2015 August Blaine Bockholt PhD Charles Langston A Seismogenic Study of the Central and Eastern United States
2015 August Xiaochuan Tian MS Eunseo Choi 3D Numerical Models for Along-axis Variations in Diking at Mid-Ocean Ridges
2015 August Alireza Shahjouei MS Charles Langston Time Stability of H/V Ambient Noise in the Mississippi Embayment
2015 Fall Cecilia Nyamwandha PhD Christine Powell A Joint Local Teleseismic Tomography Study and Shear Wave Splitting Beneath the Mississippi Embayment and New Madrid Seismic Zone.
2015 Fall Paul Ogwari PhD Christine Powell Pore-Pressure Diffusion based on Analysis and Characterization of Microseismicity in central Arkansas
2015 December Akramalsadat Mostafanejad MS/PhD Charles Langston Treatise on Seismicity and Velocity Structure of the Northern Mississippi Embayment
2016 January Brian Young PhD Jer-Ming Chiu Seismological Study of North Taiwan Based on Borehole and Surface Observations
2016 August Trevor Satterfield MS Christine Powell Identifying Sand blow Vents and Other Subsurface Geological Features Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity
2016 August Demian Gomez PhD Robert Smalley Regional Solid Earth and ionospheric Responses to Subduction Earthquakes in South America
  May Md Sabber Ahamed PhD Eunseo Choi Computational journey across multiphysics and multitemporal scales: from slow tectonic movement to fast earthquake slip
  August  Mahesh Dhar PhD Chris Cramer Probalistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of the Mississippi Embayment Incorporating Nonlinear Site Effects
  August  Jerome Kutlirof PhD Chris Cramer Estimating the Porportions of Large to Small Earthquakes in Seismic Regions with a Short Span of Earthquake Magnitudes
  August Seyed Mostafa Mousavi PhD Charles Langston Microseismic Monitoring and Denoising
  August Yu Geng MS Jer Ming Chiu Impact of Lateral Variations of Topography and Near-Surface Geology on Earthquake Locations and Shallow Structural Images in Northern Honshu, Japan
  August  Elizabeth Gilmour MS Eric Daub Dynamic Rupture Modeling of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
  December  Eric Jambo MS Chris Cramer LgQ of Northern, Eastern and Southeastern Alaska and Crustal Q Variations
  December  Luke Phillip Ogweno PhD Chirs Cramer Earthquake Early Warning System(EEWs) for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
  December  Shima Azizzadeh-Roodpish PhD Chris Cramer Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Catalog of Alaska:  The Mysteries of the Time Series
  December  Naeem Khoshenevis PhD Ricardo Taborda Gaining Scientific and Engineering Insight into Ground Motion Simulation Through Machine Learning and Approximate Modeling Approaches
   May  Peter Matheny  MS  Robert Smalley  Inferring Glaciological Attributes of Thwaites Glacier Using GPS-IR and PPP
   May  Urbi Basu  PhD Christine Powell  Seismic velocity and anisotropy structure underneath the central United States
   August  Hee Choi  MS Eunseo Choi  New numerical mid-ocean ridge models for interactions between plate-driving and resistant forces
   August  Khurram Aslam  PhD  Eric Daub  Effect of fault roughness on aftershocks distribution
   August  Jabir Rahman  MS  Chris Cramer  Depth over Bedrock and Shear Wave Velocity Profiling in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri
   December  Chloe Glover  MS  Charles Langston  Transmission and reflection imaging of stratigraphy from passive array data
  May  Arushi Saxena PhD Eunseo Choi Investigating intraplate seismicity in the central and eastern U.S.: Linking observations and numerical models
   May  Yang Yang  PhD  Charles Langston  A Seismologic Study of the Northern Mississippi Embayment
   May  Chunyu Liu  PhD  Charles Langston  Understanding Seismic Velocity Structure and its Time-varying Process Beneath the Mississippi Embayment Through Ambient Noise Analysis
  December Ariful Islam MS Christine Powell  Mapping of Velocity Variations to Investigate Seismicity in the Upper Crust of the Central Virginia Seismic Zone, Virginia, USA
  May Thivanka Ratanayake MS Robert Smalley Effects on GPS data from Ice and Snow Build-up on GPS Antennas and Removal of Noise and Disruptions Caused by Ice Build-up
  August Jia Zhang PhD Charles Langston Use of curvelets in spatial array processing: method and wavefield analysis
  August Oluwaseun Fadugba PhD Charles Langsto/Euneso Choi Waveform and geodynamic modeling of seismicity associated with the Charlevoix seismic zone
  August  Yu Geng PhD Christine Powell An investigation of upper mantle velocity structure below the northern Mississippi Embayment and the southern Illinois Basin using teleseismic earthquake tomography and inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocities
  August Christopher Marlow PhD Christine Powell A study of structures in the magnetic basement in the Reelfoot rift and surrounding region
  August  Benjamin Gemballa MS Chris Cramer/ Charles Langston Velocity and attenuation structure of the near surface from short-range refraction experiments in western Tennessee
  August Oluwaseyi Joseph Bolarinwa PhD Charles Langston Assessing the performance of an experimental gradiometer array
  August Jiayan Tan PhD Charles Langston Joint inversion and dynamic time warping methods to explore crustal velocity structure
    Md Nayeem Al Noman PhD Chris Cramer

Ground Motion Prediction Modeling and Seismic Lg Wave Attenuation Tomography

    Scott Marvin Ausbrooks    MS Steve Horton

Criteria to Characterize and Classify Individual and Discreet Clusters of Earthquakes as Natural or Induced 2012–2016 in the Fayetteville Shale Development Area of North-Central Arkansas




Anuradha Mahanama


Chris Cramer

Lateral Variations of Crustal Attenuation and Separation of Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation in Alaska



Yixin Zhang


Christine Powell

An Investigation of the New Madrid Seismic Zone Fault System Using Optimal Anisotropic Dynamic Clustering and Focal Mechanism Inversions