Mitch Withers Research

Dr. Withers primary role at CERI is managing the seismic and computer networks. There are 9 technical staff to help maintain these networks. CERI operates over 140 seismographs in 9 states and import real-time data from more than 100 additional stations from our monitoring partners in the region.

Below is a snapshot of CERI recent earthquakes web page from July 22, 2022 showing earthquakes located by CERI for the past six months. CERI authoritative polygons are in gray. 

Visit the Interactive Map or click the image.

CERI Earthquake Map, Mitch Withers, Seismic Director

Dr. Withers research interests include seismic and computer network operations and management, rapid automated generated maps of ground motion, automated signal processing techniques, and automated earthquake detection and location algorithms. Being a closet masochist, I enjoy writing Unix based C programs that provide a reasonable equivalence between the literal instructions and the conceptual intent.

Contact Dr. Withers for graduate research opportunities!