Undergraduate Educational Research Team

Meetings (Fall and Spring Semesters)

Tuesdays, 1-2 pm
Ball Hall 103

Faculty Members

Doctoral Students

  • Ashley Payne

Undergraduate Students

  • Danielle Davis
  • Jessica Monroe
  • Erica Morton

Who We Are

The Undergraduate Educational Research Team is a group formed to create research opportunities for high-achieving and highly motivated undergraduate students. We welcome all undergraduate students at the University of Memphis, in particular those students interested in learning about educational research methods and actively developing associated skills and abilities related to conducting quality research. Our purpose is to ensure that undergraduate research opportunities are more prevalent at the University of Memphis; and our students are prepared to present this research within the campus community, as well as at national and international undergraduate research venues. The format of the group is didactic.


  • To expose undergraduate students to research language and concepts that enable oral and written scientific quantitative and qualitative research.
  • To help undergraduate students understand theoretical and methodological frameworks as a means of critically examining existing research.
  • To expose undergraduate students to a variety of research designs; and bring about an awareness of alignment of research questions and method/design.
  • To help undergraduate students realize their potential and contributions in the research process; including the acquisition of knowledge and skills, as well as preparation for future responsibilities.
  • To actively work with undergraduate students in collective and individual research projects.
  • In general, provide active engagement in research opportunities for conference presentation and publication within undergraduate venues on the University of Memphis campus and beyond.

The Undergraduate Educational Research Team offers research opportunities to all undergraduates, including freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students. Students can get connected to faculty and doctoral students, and opportunities are available for Honors credit if approved.

Current Projects

In conjunction with The Helen Hardin Honors Program, our undergraduate members and faculty have applied for the Honors Summer Research Fellowship Program. We will actively work on two grant-funded projects through Engaged Scholarship:

  1. Jubilee Summer Enrichment Reading Program: This is a joint project between the University of Memphis and Memphis Jubilee Schools. This is the second year for the program for rising 3rd and 4th grade students to promote literacy and social/emotional development during the summer to positively impact a well-documented decline.
  2. Douglass Elementary Parent University: This is a project in the preliminary stages to create a sustainable parent learning community at Douglass Elementary School which is one of Shelby County's iZone schools. This project includes providing parents with active workshops that address their need for knowledge and understanding around topics such as: education and development, standards and assessment, health and nutrition, technology and social media. Ultimately, the goal is to obtain a longitudinal grant for this project.

Future Goals

  • Continue to develop our identity among undergraduate education and within the research community.
  • Undergraduate students will assist with the existing projects and work on faculty research.
  • Have undergraduate students to realize their individual research interests with the assistance of faculty mentoring.
  • Have undergraduate students initiate their individual research with faculty mentoring.
  • Have undergraduate students present their research on campus and beyond with faculty mentoring.
  • Have undergraduate students submit their independent research to the University of Memphis undergraduate journal, QuaesitUM.


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