Statistical Consulting for COE Students & Faculty

Dear CoE Faculty and Graduate Students, 


Dr. Mehmet Ozturk, an EDPR faculty member, provides consulting to CoE graduate students about research design and statistical analysis for their thesis, doctoral residency project, or dissertation. He is also available to provide assistance to CoE faculty with study design and statistical analysis. Please note that while Dr. Ozturk can help with statistical analysis after data collection has occurred, it is always best to ask for assistance when first designing a study to ensure alignment of theory, research questions, data collection, and analysis methods.  

Dr. Ozturk will be available during the Spring 2024 semester between 11:00am and 2:30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Students and faculty needing assistance this semester should schedule a meeting with Dr. Ozturk using either of the following links:  

For an in-person meeting in Dr. Ozturk’s office (Ball Hall 300A): 



For a virtual meeting: 


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