Diarra J. Smith

Diarra Smith

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Education and Career Background: I attended The University of Tennessee, Knoxville where I received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Gender Studies. After undergrad, I attended The University of Arkansas where I received a Master of Science in Counseling. I returned to Memphis after both my undergraduate and graduate experiences where I worked for a few local non profits before serving as a professional school counselor within the Shelby County School system. 

Year Started the Program: 2022

Advisor: Dr. Rosie Davis

Research Interests: My primary research interests center the various forms of systemic oppression experienced by ethnic minorities, specifically African American youth and young adults. 

Current Research Team Membership: Constructivist Sexuality Lab (Bridges)

Graduate Assistantship: I am a RA for Dr. Lightsey

Why you chose UofM: I chose the U of M because I am primarily interested in studying the various systems that impact underrepresented individuals in the Memphis community. Our program’s emphasis on advocacy and cultural diversity made it the perfect program and location to work to make a lasting impact on the city that made me who I am today. 

Interests Outside of Academics: I really love finally being in a program where my family is located, so hanging out with them and my long-time friends has been amazing! I also love exploring the various historical locations and museums in Memphis, as well as all of the new restaurants and wine experiences in town.

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