Sam Raines

Sam Raines

Hometown: Malesus, Tennessee

Education and Career Background: I attended Lambuth University until its closing at the end of my junior year, after which I finished my BA in Psychology through University of Memphis, Lambuth. In the eight-year interim between school, I worked as a victim advocate at a law firm, a consultant at a self-publishing company, a manager at a test prep company, and an academic coach at a community college. (Half of these roles were in Jackson, Tennessee; the other half were in Denver, Colorado.) I completed my master’s in College Student Personnel in Spring 2022 before starting the Counseling Psychology PhD program.

Year Started the Program: 2022

Advisor: Dr. Richard Lightsey

Research Interests: Malleable cognitive traits of political extremists, social media’s effect on subjective well-being, the use of auto-transcription technology in psychotherapy, cognitive factors related to climate change denial, meaning, and mindfulness, among other things.

Current Research Team Membership: Wellness/Resilience Research Team (Dr. Lightsey) and Masculinity and Health Research (Dr. Lease)

Graduate Assistantship: Research Assistant for Dr. Brasfield

Why you chose UofM: I had a friend in the program who was having a very positive experience; I was interested in the research being conducted; and the city of Memphis has a rich culture and history that I love being a part of.

Interests Outside of Academics: Writing, recording, and performing music; hiking, camping, backpacking, and kayaking; particle physics; pickup sports; writing prose; good books, good tabletop and video games, good shows and movies, good music; and spending time with family and friends, including my wonderful niece.