Kaylee Cook

Kaylee Cook

Hometown: Arlington, Texas 

Education and Career Background: B.A. in Psychology from Texas Tech University in 2019. Upon graduating, I worked in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a teacher for a Cognitive Intervention Program 

Year Started Program: 2020 

Advisor: Dr. Ashley Batastini 

Research interests: Integration of criminal justice involved persons into society post-incarceration, societal stigma toward incarcerated individuals, and correctional rehabilitative programs and participation in such programs. 

Current Research Team Membership: Dr. Batastini (BatLab!) 

Graduate Assistantship: RA for Dr. Batastini 

Why UofM: I really liked the cohort model and the idea of being in as many labs as you want! Although I’m only in one, it is a physical representation of the openness of everyone in the program and how collegial and collaborative everyone is. 

Interests Outside of Academics: crocheting, watching the Steelers, listening to podcasts, and playing with my dog