Personality Assessment Research Team

Team Presentation

Research Team Faculty Director: Douglas Strohmer

Current Project: Dr. Strohmer's team currently focusing on the development of a test of psychopathology targeted for and normed on an inmate populations. The Emotional Problem Scales - Self Report Inventory (C) Corrections is a 128 item inventory with eight clinical scales and 3 validity scales. It is in the final stages of development.

Current Research Team Members:

Floyd W. Cole
Richard DeBord
Will Ramsey
Shondolyn Sanders
Eric Suedmeyer

Select Publications:

Strohmer, D. C., & Leierer, S.J. (2000). Modeling rehabilitation counselor clinical judgment. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 44, 3-9, 38.

Olney M.; Strohmer D.C.; Kennedy J. (2002). Why research matters: Forging a reciprocal relationship between the researcher and the practitioner. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46, 2-4.

McCaughey, T.J.& Strohmer, D.C. (2005). Prototypes as an indirect measure of attitudes toward disability groups. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 48, 89-99.

Strohmer, D.C. & Arm, J.R. (2006). The more things change, the more they stay the same: Reaction to Ægisdóttir etal. The Counseling Psychologist, 34, 383-390.

Leierer, S. J., Blackwell, T. L. Strohmer, D. C. . (2008). The newly revised strong interest inventory: A profile interpretation. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52, 76-84.

Leierer, S. J., Strohmer, D. C., Blackwell, T. L., Thompson, R, & Donnay, D. A. (2008). The rehabilitation counselor scale: A new scale for the strong interest inventory. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 52, 68-75.

Select Conference Presentations:

Loew, M. M., Daigle, R. P., Strohmer, D. C., Suedmeyer, E. S., Cole, F. W., Ramsey, W., A., Zuckerman, S., Bates, R. L., & Lee, B., (2016). The EPS-C and the PAI: A test of and support for concurrent validity. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

Loew, M. M., Zuckerman, S., Daigle, R. P., & Strohmer, D. C., (2016). The whole is greater than its parts: Combined PTSD symptoms predict suicidality scores within inmates. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

Strohmer, D. C., Loew, M. M., Daigle, R. P., Suedmeyer, E. S., Cole, F. W., Ramsey, W., A., Zuckerman, S., Bates, R. L., Germany, M. L., Mintz, L., &Lee, B., (2016). The EPS-C (clinical version): Assessing psychopathology in the corrections population. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

Shivy, V., Strohmer, D.C., Brechbiel, J., Wingate, J., & Germany, M. (2016) Career assessment usage in college career centers. Poster prenseted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

Germany, M., Mintz, L., Strohmer, D.C., & Ramsey, W. (2016). Establishing non-corrections comparison norms for the Emotional Problem Scales-Corrections. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

Bates, R.L., Daigle, R.P., Loew, M.M., DeBord, R., Strohmer, D.C., (2016) The Reliability and
Validity of the PCL-5 in a Corrections Population. Poster presented at the meeting
of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colo.

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