Masculinity and Health Research
Research Team Faculty Director: Suzanne Lease
Research Team Description: We examine the many ways that gender role norms – especially masculinity – affect aspects of health, health promotion/risk behaviors, and interpersonal interactions.
Jennifer Yeoward
Current Projects:
- Examining nurses' perceptions of patients with chronic pain and if they differ when the patient violates gender norms.
- Latent profile analysis of conformity to male role norms in gay/bisexual men and health risk behaviors.
Projects in Development:
- Working with African American HIV patients in primary care: Spirituality/meaning and health.
- Examining the relationships between gratitude, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations for physical exercise among physical therapy patients.
Select Publications:
Lease, S. H., Shuman, W. A., & Gage, A. (2019). Incorporating traditional masculinity into health promotion models: Differences for African American/Black and White men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 20, 128-141. abstract
Lease, S. H., Shuman, W. A., & Gage, A. (2019). Female and male coworkers: Masculinity, sexism, and interpersonal competence at work. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, Advance Online Publication. abstract
Lease, S. H., Montes, S. H., Badgett, L. R., Sawyer, R. J., Fleming, K. M., Hampton, A. B., Ovrebo, E., ... Boyraz, G. (2013). A cross-cultural exploration of masculinity and relationships in men from Turkey, Norway, and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 84-105. Doi: 10.1177/0022022111432293
Select Conference Presentations:
Fishel, A. C., Lease, S. H., Lightsey, O. R., Suedmeyer, E. S., & Adams, B. (August, 2016). A new tool for the toolbox: Gratitude interventions with physical therapy patients. Poster presented at the SCP/CCPTP-sponsored poster session. American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
Lease, S. H., & Brett, B. L., & Miro, D. Z. (August, 2015). Clustering masculinity, physique anxiety, and self-esteem: Gay/bisexual and heterosexual men. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Lease, S. H., *Miro, D. Z., Brett, B. L., Ingram, C. L., & Jehu, C. M. (August, 2014). Cluster analyzing masculinity, physique anxiety, and self-esteem: Relation to health behaviors. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Conference in Washington, D.C.