Dr. Pegah Farshadmanesh

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Civil Engineering Department

108C Engineering Science Building
Office Hours
Dr. Pegah Farshadmanesh

About Dr. Farshadmanesh

Advancing the safety and resilience of cities and infrastructure systems to withstand natural and technological hazards, as well as developing technologies to mitigate the impact of hazards on the public and the environment, underpin my research goals. My primary research interests include:

  • Developing probabilistic risk assessment and risk-informed methodologies to assess the impacts of single (e.g., seismic) and multi-hazard events (e.g., fire-following earthquake);
  • Evaluating the impact of social factors on the performance of systems and structures;
  • Integrating advanced techniques (e.g., machine learning) to discover the underlying causal factors for improving risk-informed decision-making under uncertainty.

Furthermore, I am deeply committed to shaping the education of future engineers, particularly in the context of rapidly advancing technologies. I aim to instill in them a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies and their applications within infrastructure development. By fostering a learning environment that emphasizes adaptability and innovation, I aspire to empower the next generation to address complex challenges and drive positive change in our built environment.


  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech), Chicago, IL, 2017


Professional Academic Experience

  • Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, The University of Memphis (2023-Present)
  • Research Scientist, Socio-Technical Risk Analysis Research Laboratory, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2020-2023)
  • Research Associate, Socio-Technical Risk Analysis Research Laboratory, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2018-2020)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Socio-Technical Risk Analysis Research Laboratory, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2017-2018)


Research Interests

  • Multi-hazards, such as post-earthquake fire, and socio-technical impacts
  • Risk-informed decision-making under uncertainty
  • Resilient communities
  • Fire and seismic engineering
  • Risk and reliability analysis including Probabilistic Risk Assessment
  • STEM education


Honors and Awards

  • 2020, Mary Fran Myers Scholarship, Natural Hazards Center, Colorado
  • 2019, Zonta International Women in Technology District Scholarship Award
  • 2019, The Asian Deans’ Forum 2019 – The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop, 2019 Seoul National University, South Korea
  • 2019, STEM Faculty Launch Program, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
  • 2019, Outstanding Reviewer Award, ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design 2019 and Construction
  • 2019, NHERI Computational Modeling and Simulation Center (SimCenter) Travel Award,          2019 University of California, Berkeley, CA
  • 2015, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Scholarship, Chimney Top Devices 2015 in International Codes
  • 2014, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Scholarship, Impact of Chimney-top Appurtenances on Flue Gas Flow



Recent Courses Taught – University of Memphis

  • CIVL 2131, Statics (Fall 2023: 65 Students, Spring 2024: 55 Students)
  • CIVL 3322, Mechanics of Materials (Fall 2023: 11 Students, Spring 2024: 19 students)
  • CIVL 3325, Mechanics of Materials lab (Fall 2023: 6 students, Spring 2024: 16 students)
  • CIVL 2103, Approx/Uncertainty in Engineering (Spring 2024: 15 students)


Book Publication

Elhami-Khorasani, N., N. Braxtan., A. Carlton, M. Coar, J. Dalton, P. Farshadmanesh, P. Kamath, M. Ketabdar, K. LaMalva, and M. Memari. (2022). "Evaluation Framework for Post-Earthquake Fire Assessment of Buildings." ASCE/SEI Fire Following Earthquake Task Group. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784415993.

Journal Publication

  • Shimada, K., T. Sakurahara, P. Farshadmanesh, S. Reihani, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2024)" Integration of Level 3 probabilistic risk assessment for nuclear power plants with transportation simulation considering earthquake hazards." Annals of Nuclear Energy, 197, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2023.110243.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., J. Beal, T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, E. Kee, A. Rowell, F. Yilmaz, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2024) "Modeling interconnections of safety and financial performance of nuclear power plants, part 1: Categorical review and theoretical bases." Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.171, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2024.105123.
  • Beal, J., T. Sakurahara, P. Farshadmanesh, S. Reihani, E. Kee, A. Rowell, F. Yilmaz, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2024) "Modeling interconnections of safety and financial performance of nuclear power plants, Part 2: Methodological developments and case study." Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 171, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2024.105100.
  • Yang, J., J. Kim, P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, C. Blake, and Z. Mohaghegh (2022). " Uncertainty analysis on support vector machine for measuring organizational factors in probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants." Progress in Nuclear Energy, Special Issue: Big Data Analytics for Nuclear Power Plants, 153, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2022.104411.
  • Pence, J., P. Farshadmanesh, J. Kim, C. Blake, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2020). "Data-Theoretic Approach for Socio-Technical Risk Analysis: Text Mining Licensee Event Reports of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants." Safety Science Journal, 124, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104574.
  • Schumock, G., S. Zhang, P. Farshadmanesh, J. Gardner Owens, N. Kasza, J. Stearns, T. Sakurahara, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2020). "Integrated Risk-Informed Design (I-RID) Methodological framework and Computational Application for FLEX Equipment Storage Buildings of Nuclear Power Plants." Progress in Nuclear Energy, 120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2019.103186.
  • Cheng, W.C., T. Sakurahara, S. Zhang, P. Farshadmanesh, S. Reihani, E. Kee, Z. Mohaghegh, K. Heckmann, J. Sievers, B. Lydell, Ch. Zammali, X.X Yuan, X. Duan, R. Alzbutas, G.G Lee, J. Abdul Karim, V. Morozov, C. Takasugi, T. Jevremovic. (2020). "Review and Categorization of Existing Studies on the Estimation of Probabilistic Failure Metrics for Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping and Steam Generator Tubes in Nuclear Power Plants." Progress in Nuclear Energy, 118, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2019.103105.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., and J. Mohammadi. (2019). "A Probabilistic Methodology for Assessing Post-Earthquake Fire Ignition Vulnerability in Residential Buildings." Fire Technology Journal, 55(4), 1295–1318, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-018-0811-2.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2018). "SHAKE-RoverD Framework for Nuclear Power Plants: The Streamlined Approach for Seismic Risk Assessment." Nuclear Technology, 205(3), 442–463, https://doi.org/10.1080/00295450.2018.1494439.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., J. Mohammadi, and M. Modares. (2016). "Further Development in Predicting Post-Earthquake Fire Ignition Hazard." International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 10(6), 681–685, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1124547.
  • Goudarzi, M., and P. Farshadmanesh. (2015). "Numerical Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Damping Due to the Upper Mounted Baffles in Real Scale Tanks." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 77, 290–298, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.06.003.
  • Soroushian, A., P. Farshadmanesh, and S. Azad. (2015). "On the Essentiality of Techniques to Enlarge Integration Steps in Transient Analysis against Digitized Excitations." Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 17(1), 43–60, http://www.jsee.ir/article_240706.html.


Selected Conferences

  • Khalid, M. H., H. Bui, P. Farshadmanesh, A. Al Rashdan, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2023). "Automation Trustworthiness in Nuclear Power Plants: A Literature Review." Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM) Topical, October 23-25, Virtual.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., J. D. Bergerson, and J. Mohammadi. (2023). "Validation of Compounding Hazards: Pathway Towards Enhancing Disaster Resilience Models." Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World (INSPIRE).
  • Fisher, R., S. Fargusson, J. Mitstifer, J. Beal, H. Bui, P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2023). "On Modeling Human-Digital Twin Interactions and their Safety Risk Impact in Nuclear Power Plants." Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM) Topical, October 23-25, Virtual.
  • Morasca, M., S. Fargusson, B. Scott, H. Bui, P. Farshadmanesh, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2023). "The Incorporation of Digital Twin Models into Maintenance Operations in Nuclear Power Plants." 2023 American Nuclear Society student conference (ANS).
  • Beal, J., W.-C. Cheng, P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2022). "A Systematic Enterprise Risk Management Framework for Modeling the Interactions of Safety and Financial Performance in Nuclear Power Plants." Proceedings of the 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM 16), Honolulu, HI.
  • Roy, A., P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2021). "Managing Unexpected Failures of Nuclear Power Plants by Incorporating Organizational Factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment." Proceedings of the Biennial International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis.
  • Yang, J., P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, J. Pence, S. Reihani, C. Blake, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2020). "Equipping Machine Learning with Uncertainty Quantification to Update Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants using NRC Licensee Event Reports." American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting and Expo. Chicago, IL.
  • Farshadmanesh, P., T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2020). "Risk-Informed Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant FLEX Storage Building." The 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, The 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL 2020 PSAM 15). Venice, Italy.
  • Pence, J., J. Yang, P. Farshadmanesh, T. Sakurahara, S. Reihani, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2020). "Theory-Guided Machine Learning for Licensee Event Reports of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants to Quantify Organizational Factors in Probabilistic Risk Assessment." The 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, The 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL 2020 PSAM 15). Venice, Italy.
  • Beal, J., T. Sakurahara, J. Pence, P. Farshadmanesh, E. Kee, and Z. Mohaghegh. (2019). "Coupling Degradation and Maintenance to Model Safety Risk and Financial Risk Under an Integrated Enterprise Risk Management for Nuclear Power Plants." 2019 Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT) Conference. Charlotte, NC.
  • Hosseini, M., A. Boorboor, and P. Farshadmanesh. (2014). "Analysis of Water Distribution Buried Jointed Pipe Networks Subjected to Seismic Waves Considering the Nonlinear Behavior of Connections." Pipelines 2014: From Underground to the Forefront of Innovation and Sustainability. ASCE. Portland, OR.
  • Hosseini, M., and P. Farshadmanesh. (2013). "Evaluating the Effect of Multiple Vertical Orthogonal Baffles on Sloshing Phenomenon in Rectangular Tanks Subjected to 3-Dimensional Earthquake Excitations." Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13). Sapporo, Japan.
  • Vosoughifar, H.R., P. Farshadmanesh, and S.K. Sadat Shokouhi. (2012). "Optimal Sensor Placement of Steel Structure with UBF System for SHM Using Hybrid FEM-GA Technique." Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop (CSHM-4). Berlin, Germany.


Publication Stewardship

Associate Editor (2019 – Present)   
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE

Councils and Committees

  • ASCE/SEI Fire Protection Committee Task Group on Fire Load Member, 2022-present
    NCSEA CAC Seismic Subcommittee Corresponding Member, 2017-present
  • ASCE/SEI Technical Committee on Fire Protection Member, 2017-present
  • ASCE/SEI Fire Following Earthquake Task Group Member, 2017-present
  • Social Science, Policy, Economics, Education & Decision Committee Member, 2017-present
  • ASCE/SEI Risk and Resilience Measurements Committee Member, 2016-present
  • American Society of Civil Engineers Member, 2015-present
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Member, 2015-present
  • Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society Member, 2015-present