Contact Us

Welcome to the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, a place that helps you achieve your dream!

Civil Engineering is a profession that has a long and distinguished tradition of improving the quality of life for humanity. The mission of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at the University of Memphis is to perpetuate this noble tradition through quality education, research, and public services.

Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
The University of Memphis
104 Engineering Science Building
Memphis, TN  38152
Phone: 901.678.2746
Fax: 901.678.3026

Department Chair:
Dr. Rouzbeh Nazari
104 Engineering Science Building Room 104A
Phone: 901.678.2746
email: rnazari@memphis.edu 

Undergraduate Coordinator:
Dr. Charles Camp
104 Engineering Science Building Room 106B
Phone: 901.678.3169
email: cvcamp@memphis.edu

Graduate Coordinator:
Dr. Sabya Mishra
112B Engineering Science Building
Phone: 901.678.5043
email: smishra3@memphis.edu 

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