Promotion and Tenure Calendar

When beginning the promotion and tenure process, candidates should first consult the external review deadlines calendar. This will provide important dates and timelines for obtaining external reviews. Once candidates have a clear understanding of these deadlines, they should then refer to the promotion and tenure deadlines calendar. This second calendar outlines the specific dates and requirements for submitting their promotion and tenure materials.


2024 Promotion and Tenure Deadlines 

July 26, 2024 OneDrive open to applicant to upload dossier
September 1, 2024 Dean submits a list of all faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure to the Provost (provost@memphis.edu)
August 27, 2024 OneDrive access closed to applicant (4 p.m. CDT)
August 28, 2024 OneDrive access opened to Department/School P&T committee and chair/director
September 24, 2024 Department/School chair/director and committee submit recommendations to College Committee (OneDrive access closed to department 4:00 p.m. CDT)
September 25, 2024 OneDrive access opened to CCFA P&T committee and Dean 
October 11-13, 2024 CCFA P&T Committee meets and votes
October 23, 2024 CCFA P&T Committee letter due
November 22, 2024 Dean completes letters
November 29, 2024 OneDrive access closed to CCFA P&T Committee and Dean
  OneDrive access opened to Provost
December 1, 2024 CCFA committee and Dean’s recommendation due to Provost


2025 External Review Deadlines

Monday, March 24, 2025 Promotion and/or Tenure  candidate submits list of potential external reviewers (see handbook for guidelines) to Department/School chair/director and/or P&T committee chair
  OneDrive open to applicants to upload external review materials
Friday, April 11, 2025 Department/School chair/director and P&T committee develop list of external reviewers and consult applicant’s list
Wednesday, April 23, 2025    Applicant uploads all external review materials to the assigned OneDrive folder by 11:59 p.m.
Thursday, April 24, 2025 OneDrive access closed to applicant (8:00 a.m. CDT) Department/School chair/director contacts selected external reviewers
Monday, May 12, 2025    OneDrive access opened to Department/School chair/director AND external reviewers
Friday, August 29, 2025 OneDrive access closed to external reviewers and Department/School chair/director