Faculty / Staff Grants Resources


CCFA Faculty Seed Grants

CCFA Faculty Seed Grants (FSG) are intended to support research and creative activity of CCFA faculty and to enhance competitiveness for external funding. It is expected that recipients of these grants will seek external funding to continue their projects. 

Obtaining University Approval to Apply for Grants

  • All initial faculty inquiries should be sent to the Office of Sponsored Programs email address. Once this is done, faculty will receive an acknowledgement email and their question will be assigned to someone in the OS
  • Once faculty are ready to apply for a specific grant, the Pre-Award Service Rep for CCFA is Laura Wright. The Pre-Award Service Rep can assist with the preparation of the proposal and completing a sponsored projects record in Cayuse SP. A completed proposal, with all required attachments, must be fully routed with all approvals at least 5 business days prior to the Sponsor Deadline. If the University is not the prime recipient, the deadline should be adjusted accordingly.
  • The Division of Research and Innovation's page for Researchers at the University of Memphis is a helpful resource.