Outstanding Research Award Guidelines

This award is intended to recognize a graduate student at each program level (one Master's and one Doctoral) who demonstrates an exceptional level of academic research throughout the student's graduate studies at the University. The winners will receive a small monetary award, a plaque, and recognition at the annual UofM Honors Assembly.

Award Nomination Process

  • The graduate director of each department will first send out the call for entries.
  • The nominated student should submit a curriculum vitae highlighting their scholarly research, a research narrative, and a maximum of 1 representative sample.
  • The student nominations should be reviewed by the departmental awards committee and the final recommendations should be forwarded to the department graduate director.
  • The graduate director will forward one Master's program recommendation and one Doctoral program recommendation to the CCFA Associate Dean.

Required Documentation

  • Application form.
  • Curriculum Vitae highlighting research.
  • Research Narrative.
  • Maximum of 1 representative sample.

Click here for the CCFA Graduate Student Research Award form

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