CAS Workshops

NSF – STS + DICES brainstorming session with CAS, Engineering and Education.

The College of Arts & Sciences Dean's office provides a series of workshops each semester. The workshops are specific to college faculty and staff with topics ranging from advising, book publishing, professional development, research grants, and more. For questions, please contact Dr. Keri Brondo

Fall Workshops

Fall 2024 Professional Development WorkshopThe Value of a Professional Development Assignment

Join us to hear strategies for making the most out of your sabbatical!  Panelists will share brief overviews of their PDA activity and tips for goal-setting, time management, and identifying professional development activities while on leave.

Wednesday, September 25, 3-4:30 / McCord 100


  • Lih-Yuan Deng, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences  
  • Ryan Parish, Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
  • Carol Rambo, Professor, Department of Sociology
  • Courtney Santo, Assistant Professor, Department of English
  • Lindsey Stewart, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy



Past Workshops

Faculty Incentive Pay and Allocation of Credit (Indirect Costs)

How Does It Work?Faculty Incentive Pay and Allocation of Credit Workshop

Thursday / May 2 / 2-3 PM / via Teams
A panel of faculty and staff spoke on how the Faculty Incentive Pay (RE7006) policy works.
Faculty Members Shared:
  • How academic-year salary recovery benefits departments

  • How they have decided to split indirect costs with their UM collaborators

  • How they have used indirect costs recovered from grant activity to benefit their research agenda

For more information, contact: Mary Earheart-Brown at: mrhrtbrw@memphis.edu or 901.678.4291

Faculty Research Grants: What are they and how can I apply?

Thurs., Dec. 7 (study day) // 1-2:30 PM // McCord Hall 100


  • Types of research FRGs support
  • Past recipients share tips on developing successful proposals and projects
  • Pre-award coordinators will be present to answer questions


  • Cristina Maria Cervone, Professor, English
  • Cassandra Nuñez, Research Assistant Professor, Biological Science
  • William Robertson, Assistant Professor, Anthropology 
  • Junmin Wang, Professor, Sociology


Demystifying Academic Book Publishing

The publication of monographs, textbooks, and edited books are highly valued scholarly achievements, but the process can be confusing or intimidating for first-time authors. Join this panel to hear CAS authors’ experiences about the publication process. Topics include: pros and cons of authoring and editing books at various career stages; identifying publishers and editors for your project; preparing an effective prospectus; and negotiating contracts. Panelist comments will be followed by Q&A.

Friday, October 27, 1-2:30 PM - UC Senate Chamber


  • Melanie Conroy, Associate Professor, World Languages and Literatures
  • Stephen Diko, Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning
  • Davia Cox Downey, Associate Professor, Public and Nonprofit Administration
  • Andrew Olney, Professor, Institute for Intelligent Systems
  • Beverly Tsacoyianis, Associate Professor, History
  • Terrence Tucker, Associate Professor, English

The Value of a Professional Development Assignment

The Value of a Professional Development Assignment flyer

Join us to hear strategies for making the most out of your sabbatical!  Panelists will share brief overviews of their PDA activity and tips for goal-setting, time management, and identifying professional development activities while on leave.

Date: Friday, September 8 1-2:30. 

Location: 2nd Floor Library Commons Area


  • Vania Barraza, Professor, World Languages and Literature 
  • Scott Fleming, Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Aram Goudsouzian, Professor, History
  • Shelley Keith, Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • SunAh Laybourn, Assistant Professor, Sociology 

ofessor, Department of Sociology

  • Courtney Santo, Assistant Professor, Department of English
  • Lindsey Stewart, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy



Past Workshops

Faculty Incentive Pay and Allocation of Credit (Indirect Costs)

How Does It Work?Faculty Incentive Pay and Allocation of Credit Workshop

Thursday / May 2 / 2-3 PM / via Teams
A panel of faculty and staff spoke on how the Faculty Incentive Pay (RE7006) policy works.
Faculty Members Shared:
  • How academic-year salary recovery benefits departments

  • How they have decided to split indirect costs with their UM collaborators

  • How they have used indirect costs recovered from grant activity to benefit their research agenda

For more information, contact: Mary Earheart-Brown at: mrhrtbrw@memphis.edu or 901.678.4291

Faculty Research Grants: What are they and how can I apply?

Thurs., Dec. 7 (study day) // 1-2:30 PM // McCord Hall 100


  • Types of research FRGs support
  • Past recipients share tips on developing successful proposals and projects
  • Pre-award coordinators will be present to answer questions


  • Cristina Maria Cervone, Professor, English
  • Cassandra Nuñez, Research Assistant Professor, Biological Science
  • William Robertson, Assistant Professor, Anthropology 
  • Junmin Wang, Professor, Sociology


Demystifying Academic Book Publishing

The publication of monographs, textbooks, and edited books are highly valued scholarly achievements, but the process can be confusing or intimidating for first-time authors. Join this panel to hear CAS authors’ experiences about the publication process. Topics include: pros and cons of authoring and editing books at various career stages; identifying publishers and editors for your project; preparing an effective prospectus; and negotiating contracts. Panelist comments will be followed by Q&A.

Friday, October 27, 1-2:30 PM - UC Senate Chamber


  • Melanie Conroy, Associate Professor, World Languages and Literatures
  • Stephen Diko, Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning
  • Davia Cox Downey, Associate Professor, Public and Nonprofit Administration
  • Andrew Olney, Professor, Institute for Intelligent Systems
  • Beverly Tsacoyianis, Associate Professor, History
  • Terrence Tucker, Associate Professor, English

The Value of a Professional Development Assignment

The Value of a Professional Development Assignment flyer

Join us to hear strategies for making the most out of your sabbatical!  Panelists will share brief overviews of their PDA activity and tips for goal-setting, time management, and identifying professional development activities while on leave.

Date: Friday, September 8 1-2:30. 

Location: 2nd Floor Library Commons Area


  • Vania Barraza, Professor, World Languages and Literature 
  • Scott Fleming, Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Aram Goudsouzian, Professor, History
  • Shelley Keith, Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • SunAh Laybourn, Assistant Professor, Sociology 

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