Goal 7:  Generate & Steward Financial Resources

Increase funding and improve resource allocation to fuel growth through better alignment of internal priorities and external funding opportunities, through funding diversification and through application of financial best practices.

2024 Actions:

  • CAS will develop a robust CAS brand and hire a marketing manager to engage in promotion of our college identity. This rebranding might emphasize the value of arts & sciences education in the workplace and perhaps include modernizing course and program titles.

  • CAS will develop a systemic plan to increase graduate assistantship funding to be competitive with other R1 institutions. This plan should include establishing minimum stipend levels by discipline based on review of peer institution assistantship data, with a phased implementation to balance negative impacts on enrollment against positive impacts on matriculating student quality metrics.

  • CAS will prioritize doctoral student fellowships among CAS development priorities to supplement internal assistantship funds. This might include both recruiting fellowships and scholarly productivity incentives for existing doctoral students.

  • CAS will dedicate experiential fellowship funding for undergraduate research exploration and scholarship-related skills training.

Participants for Goal 7 Brainstorming Group are listed below.

The participants met several times during the 2023 fall semester to collaborate and develop a proposal for actions that was submitted to the dean for final approval.

Emile Bizot Retired Community member eabizot@yahoo.com
Dorian Burnette Earth Sciences Faculty djbrntte@memphis.edu
Carolyn Dickens Development Staff cdickens@memphis.edu
Ben Graham History Faculty bjgraham@memphis.edu
Kendra Lambert Dean's Office Staff ktillis@memphis.edu
Emily Puckett Biology Faculty puckett3@memphis.edu
Courtney Santo English Faculty cmsanto@memphis.edu
Knox Shelton Advancement Staff jkshltni@memphis.edu
James Whelan Psychology Faculty jwhelan@memphis.edu