Goal 5: Recruit, Retain, Reward & Recognize our People

Cultivate a respectful, supportive culture for our exceptional faculty and staff that recognizes and rewards excellence and success and that provides ample opportunities for personal growth, professional development, promotion and leadership.

2024 Actions:

  • CAS will develop mechanisms to support all faculty (all tracks) and staff to participate in one relevant professional conference annually. This may involve internal resource reallocation or development of practices such as cycling support levels between amounts that support regional travel in one year and national travel in the next.

  • CAS will highlight and celebrate the impact CAS members are having, and what CAS members are working on – these highlights will be shared on the CAS website or on platforms such as YouTube or Instagram, or local television, radio, and news media.

  • CAS will continue equity reviews every year for every position to ensure salary adjustments address the most significant equity issues first while balancing equity adjustments against the competing priority of rewarding loyalty and excellent performance.

Participants for Goal 5 Brainstorming Group are listed below.

The participants met several times during the 2023 fall semester to collaborate and develop a proposal for actions that was submitted to the dean for final approval.

Jessica Abernathy CAS Staff jmabrnth@memphis.edu
William Alexander Chemistry Faculty w.alexander@memphis.edu
Karen Bradley History Staff klbradly@memphis.edu
Lindsay Brassel Data Science Staff lbbrassl@memphis.edu
Meghan Cullen Pre-Professional Advising Staff mcullen@memphis.edu
Elena Delavega Social Work Faculty mdlavega@memphis.edu
John Gilmore Anthropology Faculty jmgilmor@memphis.edu
Arleen Hill Earth Sciences Faculty Arleen.hill@gmail.com
Amaia Iratzoqui Criminal Justice Faculty ratzoqui@memphis.edu
Wesley James Anthropology Faculty wljames1@memphis.edu
SunAh Laybourn Sociology Faculty wlayborn@memphis.edu
Robin Lennon-Dearing Social Work Faculty rlnnndrn@memphis.edu
Corinne OConnor Computer Science Staff cconnor2@memphis.edu
Rita Pasqui World Languages and Literatures Faculty rpasqui@memphis.edu
Charles Plesofsky Biological Sciences Staff czplsfsk@memphis.edu
Gregory Washington Social Work Faculty gwshngt1@memphis.edu
Leah Windsor IIS/English Faculty Leah.Windsor@memphis.edu
Allen Woodall World Languages & Literatures Faculty a.woodall@memphis.edu