Prelaw Advising

The College of Arts & Sciences provides resources and advising for students interested in applying to law school. In addition to meeting with the prelaw advisors listed below, prelaw students should also meet with their academic advisor on a regular basis to discuss degree requirements, progress toward degree completion, and course sequencing for each semester.

Benefits of utilizing prelaw advising

  • Access to prelaw emails for regular updates and information
  • Access to guest speakers and panel discussions from legal professionals and current law students
  • Opportunity to meet with law school admissions officials and current law students
  • Access to catalogs and resource information from law schools across the country
  • Invitations to regularly scheduled information sessions
  • Access to information on internships, scholarships, and fellowship programs

Pre-Law Advisors 

Please select an advisor based on your current major

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Andrew Senter, M.A., J.D.
Email: jasenter@memphis.edu

Department of Philosophy

Dr. Sila Ozakara
Email: sozkara@memphis.edu

Department of Political Science

Ebony N. Dawkins-Meeks, JD
Email: endawkns@memphis.edu

All other Majors

Meghan Cullen, Director of Pre-Professional Advisor 

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