Travel Enrichment Fund

In the spring of 2004, Mr. Philip Donovan initiated The Donovan Travel Enrichment Fund for student and faculty travel. The fund helps support faculty and students who are traveling to research centers, and to conferences. With additional financial support from numerous sponsors, this award has been renamed the College of Arts and Sciences Travel Enrichment Fund.

Travel Enrichment funds have been designated for the use of attending a conference as a presenter or to conduct research. Applications for anything other than these two purposes will not be accepted. Participation in internships, study abroad programs, summer schools, seminars and workshops are not eligible for funding. Submission of application does not guarantee an award.

A list of past recipients can be found on the Accolades website.

Student Form

Student eligibility:
a) a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
b) be enrolled as a full-time student in the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Memphis
c) not have graduated before the actual travel dates indicated in the application
d) cannot have received this award previously

Faculty Form

Faculty eligibility:
a) must be a tenured, tenure-track, research, or teaching faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences. Due to limited funding, postdoctoral faculty are not eligible at this time
b) cannot have received this award within 3 years of the current semester

If you have questions, please contact Stormey Warren shutsell@memphis.edu