CAS Undergraduate Curriculum Council

The College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Council represents the faculty of the College of Arts & Sciences at The University of Memphis in the governance of the undergraduate curriculum in the College. It is composed of one elected representative from each department and an Associate Dean of the College. Its duties include:

  • Approving or disapproving curriculum proposals in the areas listed below and forwarding those approved to the Dean of the College and, upon his/her approval, to the University Curriculum Council.
    • Admission requirements within academic units
    • Curricula and programs, including courses, majors, minors, degrees, concentrations, certificate programs, and other academic programs
    • Undergraduate policy and procedures

  • Advising the Dean on matters related to undergraduate curriculum.

  • Acting as the liaison between the University Undergraduate Council https://www.memphis.edu/uuc/bylaws/index.php and departments within the College.

Curriculum Review

The CAS undergraduate council reviews the curriculum during the October and November council meetings. All proposals must be submitted via curriculum and be at the College approval step at https://memphis.curriculog.com by October 1, 2024 for consideration at the October meeting, and November 1 for consideration at the November meeting.

Curricular procedures, training guides, etc. can be found here: Curricular Procedures - Curricular Procedures - The University of Memphis

For help with Curriculog, please contact: Stormey Warren at shutsell@memphis.edu.