CAS Chair Handbook


Dear Chairs and Directors:

The College of Arts & Sciences Chair Handbook is intended as a resource to help both new and experienced chairs navigate the many challenges they face in their governance role. The handbook is a guide, not a rulebook. Its purpose is to provide resources and point to the policies and procedures most relevant to chairs throughout the college. New chairs are advised to read the document in its entirety. Experienced chairs may want to pick and choose topics from the menu bar on the side.
Portions of the handbook address differences across departments. It is hoped that this information sharing will stimulate lively conversation among chairs as they learn of different practices to incorporate into their departments. Discussing best practices with peers is an excellent way to learn and to build a supportive network of colleagues who understand the peculiar struggles of leading and managing faculty, staff, and students.

The handbook is very much a work in progress. The topics selected for inclusion are based on suggestions from previous CAS chairs. Please send any questions, comments, and suggestions to cas@memphis.edu.

Best Wishes,

Abby Parrill-Baker, Dean
College of Arts & Sciences
The University of Memphis
August 2019


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