Academic Probation

Students are placed on Academic Probation if:

  • the student has previously been placed on Academic Warning and
  • The student’s overall combined GPA is below 2.00,
  • Or the students’ term/semester GPA is below 2.00

NOTE: Even if the student returns to Academic Good Standing after an Academic Warning the student is placed on Academic Probation, if, in any subsequent term, their combined GPA falls below a 2.00 OR the term GPA is below 2.00.

1st Academic Probation


Students on first-time Academic Probation are required to enroll in and complete ACAD-2200-Academic Success Seminar. ACAD 2200 is a 1-credit hour self-paced online course consisting of six (6) modules that focus on strategies to improve your academic performance. Students on Academic Probation are required to have an overall combined GPA of at least 2.00 OR a term GPA of at least 2.00 in order to continue enrollment at the University of Memphis.

A course permit is issued to students prior to the start of the semester to register for this course. Failure to register for this course can result in cancellation of class schedule, a registration hold, and/or delayed financial aid disbursement. Students should take this course seriously as it reflects their commitment to taking the necessary steps to achieve academic and personal goals, and returning to good standing.

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