Academic Suspension

Students on Academic Probation will be suspended in any term if both the Overall Combined GPA AND the current term GPA both fall below 2.00.

Students on Academic Suspension can apply for readmission only after the following minimum periods:

  • For the first suspension, one regular term (fall or spring)
  • For the second suspension, one calendar year.

After a second suspension, a student may be ineligible for further enrollment at the University of Memphis.

Students on Academic Suspension who apply for readmission must participate in a counseling interview. Deadlines for readmission after suspension are strictly enforced.

Coursework taken at another accredited college or university will be used in determining eligibility for readmission. Students who left the university on academic suspension must fulfill all previously attempted high school deficiency and remedial and developmental coursework requirements before they will be considered for readmission.

Coursework taken at another accredited college or university will be used in determining eligibility for readmission. Students who left the university on academic suspension must fulfill all previously attempted high school deficiency and remedial and developmental coursework requirements before they will be considered for readmission.

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