Find a Job or Internships via TigerLink

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TigerLink is now powered by Handshake! Handshake is a modern career management platform for students and a robust college recruiting platform for employers.


Schedule career advising appointments, view and register for events, search 1,000+ of internship and career opportunities, and more!  Enrolled students will need to login using their UofM username and password.

Student Login


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Alumni, please complete this form to request access to TigerLink. Do NOT complete this form if you are currently enrolled in any classes at UofM. Currently enrolled students need to access TigerLink using their UUID and password.

NOTE:  Please allow at least two business days to process your request.

Once enrolled in TigerLink, follow these steps to access Handshake. Once in Handshake, you will be able to set up career coaching sessions with your UofM career services manager. 

For more information, contact alumnicareerservices@memphis.edu

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