Meet with a Career Specialist

Majors and Concentrations are grouped into Talent Communities served by Career Specialists. Services are provided by appointment only with the exception of Drop-In Hours.

Request an appointment with your Career Specialist through TigerLink powered by Handshake  (click Career Center > Appointments). Note: Appointment requests must be confirmed. You will receive a call or email if request is confirmed or if request must be rescheduled. If you are unable to schedule via TigerLink, you may call 901-678-2239 for assistance. You must request your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.

If you do not have access to a computer or do not have acess to a private location from which to conduct your virtual appointment, please let us know. We can arrange for students to the Career Services interview rooms on the 4th floor of Wilder Tower to conduct your virtual appointment.

How We Can Help

Career Services can help you clarify career goals, prepare for your job and internship search and advise you on planning for graduate/professional school.  Types of advising appointments include:

  • Major and Career Exploration/Planning
  • Document Review (resume, cover letter, CV, etc.)
  • Job/Internship Search Strategies
  • Mock Interviews
  • Graduate/Professional School Planning

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