Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness occurs when you are in touch with your feelings, including sadness, joy, etc. Understanding our body’s emotional signals helps us to make healthy decisions and cope with inevitable emotional challenges, such as change and loss.

  • Meditations/Mindfulness
  • Emotional Health 101
  • Self-harm
  • Domestic violence/sexual assault
Helpful resources
  1. Meditation/Mindfulness
    1. Counseling Center: Mindfulness Support
  2. Emotional Health 101
    1. Counseling Center: Counseling Services
    2. Wellness Videos
  3. GLBT Resources
    1. SafeZone
    2. GLBT Resources: Organizations and GLBT-friendly churches
  4. Self-harm
    1. Counseling Center: Suicide Prevention
  5. Domestic violence/sexual assault
    1. Counseling Center: Sexual Assault/Rape