Intramurals + Club Sports

Intramurals Team

For many students, transitioning from high school to college often means stepping away from club sports and organized competitions for the first time. It's also a time when students are eager to engage in college activities to expand their social circles.

This is where intramurals sand club ports come into play.

We offer a diverse array of teams, leagues, activities, tournaments and events for various sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball, racquetball, tennis and more. You can also enjoy non-traditional pursuits like ultimate frisbee, cornhole, dodgeball and Kan-Jam.

Don't see a sport you're interested in? Feel free to suggest it! Core sports like basketball, soccer and volleyball are available each season, with additional sports introduced at various points throughout the academic year.

Get in the game!

What are intramurals?

Intramurals refer to sports leagues, tournaments and competitions that take place exclusively within the confines of a single university. Unlike intercollegiate sports, where teams from the UofM compete against other schools and many players receive athletic scholarships, intramurals are student-centered competitions designed to provide exercise, recreation and enjoyment within a relaxed yet structured setting.

Participation in intramural sports is straightforward. You can either register individually and be assigned to a team or register an entire team. Best of all, there's no cost involved. To sign up, simply visit IM Leagues

What are club sports?

Club sports are student-run and fall in between the more casual atmosphere of intramural sports and seriously competitive varsity sports. Club teams attract a diverse group of students—from competitive high school athletes to beginners looking to try something new—who are interested in continuing their athletic endeavors with a degree of structure and competition. Club sports teams play against other schools, travel for competitions and even compete for championships. To support club sport activity and growth, we provide access to Campus Recreation facilities and services.

Because club sports are student-run, the obligations of athletes can extend off the field. For example, the job of hiring a coach, making travel arrangements, scheduling games and fundraising can fall on club members. Therefore, it’s a great way to build your leadership skills. 

Why choose intramurals and club sports?

Forge New Friendships
The true essence of intramural and club sports lies in the camaraderie and bonds formed with fellow participants. With a diverse range of sports and teams catering to various interests and skill levels, it's an excellent avenue to connect with people during your college journey and establish enduring relationships.

A Variety of Sports, Multiple Days
Unlike the conventional one-sport-at-a-time approach, we offer a rotating schedule of different intramural sports. You can choose to play one, try them all or start your own—the choice is yours!

Academics and Athletics in Harmony
At the UofM, intramural and club sports complement the academic experience by fostering essential qualities such as leadership, teamwork, respect, integrity and achievement through enjoyable competitions. Games and contests are scheduled for later in the evening and on weekends, ensuring that they do not interfere with weeknight classes or study commitments.

Enhance Physical and Mental Well-being
Engaging in physical activity, especially in a fun and enjoyable context, contributes to improved physical and mental health. This is particularly valuable in the sometimes-demanding academic environment. An hour or two of intramural sports with friends can help alleviate stress and reduce anxiety. Involvement in intramural sports or other activities on campus can significantly enhance your college experience.

Guided by Core Values
Our intramural and club sports are guided by a set of core values, including:

  • Fun: Embrace the experience in a positive and welcoming environment.
  • Honesty: Uphold a culture of integrity, trust, fairness, responsibility and accountability.
  • Respect: Promote sportsmanship and respect for all.
  • Professionalism: Expect our student employees to develop organizational skills and deliver a program to be proud of.
  • Passion: Play with enthusiasm and positive energy!
  • Community: Foster enduring friendships and camaraderie.

Jon Duncan

Jon Duncan
Director of Recreational Sports & Facilities

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