
Tiger Food Lab

Do you want to transform your diet but don't know where to start? Do you have questions about the nutritional content of your food? If you are like most people, you likely have all kinds of questions about your nutritional health. Whether you are trying to adopt more healthful eating habits, manage a medical condition or improve athletic performance, we can help! Our registered dietitian and nutrition consultants are here to assist with your dietary questions.

The Tiger Food Lab teaching kitchen allows the University of Memphis to provide courses and programming to teach cooking fundamentals to the campus and community. The Lab provides space to host various classes and events which focus on healthy eating, nutrition for training, women’s health, nutrition throughout the lifespan and more. Check back often for a schedule of events.

The Tiger Café offered students and members affordable and nutritious smoothies, snacks and grab-n-go meals. As customer education regarding product nutrition is important, a registered dietitian is available to answer questions and make recommendations. We are unable to take Tiger Eat$, Flex Bucks or Tiger Funds at this time.

Julia Noel

Julia Noel
Director of Nutrition Services

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