Rules + Responsibilities


In order to maintain safety and a high quality of service to its participants, Campus Recreation has established rules of conduct for all participants. The Recreation Center staff appreciates your cooperation in helping us provide a safe, welcoming and positive environment for our patrons.

Participation in all Campus Recreation facilities and programs is a privilege. All participants who participate in our programs or who utilize the facilities agree to adhere to our rules and responsibilities.

Participant Expectations

  • Treat the Recreation Center staff, facilities, members and guests with respect.
  • Behave with character and courtesy while respecting the rights, welfare and dignity of all others at the Recreation Center facilities and programs.
  • Adhere to the rules and policies set by Campus Recreation and the University in its facilities and programs and posted in the respective areas of the facilities.
  • Behave in a safe, responsible manner regarding yourself, others, property and equipment.

Participants engaging in inappropriate behavior or violating Campus Recreation/University policies in the facilities may be subject to having their privileges of participation revoked and could face possible disciplinary action from the University.

Assumption of Responsibility

The following applies to all Campus Recreation facilities and programming:

  • Campus Recreation program participation is voluntary and individuals use facilities at their own risk.
  • Participation in any physical activity involves inherent risk, and even when safety precautions are utilized, injuries and accidents can occur. The Department of Campus Recreation would like to encourage you to consult your physician and obtain adequate personal health/accident insurance prior to participation in our programs.



Area Rules

Fields and Pavilion
Fitness Studios
General Facility
Indoor Track
Open Fitness Areas
Outdoor Leisure Pool
Tennis Courts
Tiger Food Lab

Filming or Taking Photos On Campus

Approval to film or photograph on University of Memphis property is required for internal and external parties. Please complete this form and email it to logo@memphis.edua minimum of 10 days before the requested filming date. You will be contacted within two business days after receipt. Completion of this form does not guarantee approval of the use of University property for filming or photography.

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