Facility Reservations

Thank you for your interest in reserving one of our facility spaces. Please read our scheduling rules and procedures below in their entirety. Each use of space, whether contest, meeting or practice, must be requested and approved in advance. All requests must be submitted 10 working days in advance of the event to ensure that your request can be accommodated. If you have any questions, please contact recspacerequest@memphis.edu.

Internal UofM community, please make your request through the University of Memphis scheduling system.



External groups, please submit the Campus Recreation facilities space request form. After speaking with the scheduling office, all off-campus organizations' sponsored participation have their agreements finalized through the Conference and Events Services (CES)



Usage Guidelines

These guidelines must be followed in order to schedule the facilities.

  • All food served on campus must be cleared through the University contracted food service and follow University guidelines for foods brought on campus.
  • All amplified outdoor pool events must abide by the Outdoor Amplification Policy.
  • For safety and liability reasons, it is recommended to provide a certified person in CPR to be present during special events.
  • Proof of insurance and liability required by non UofM groups.
  • Lights for Echles Field or Memorial Field next to the Elma Roane Fieldhouse can be used if space is reserved. All light reservations must be submitted 10 days in advance. 

Sponsor should consult with the Director of Operations prior to finalizing a schedule to investigate potential scheduling conflicts. For multiple space reservations, a finalized schedule should be submitted on the appropriate form two months prior to the first event. Campus sponsor is responsible for scheduling games, classes, activities and contests. A daily itemized event schedule should be submitted in writing at least one month prior to the first activity.

This request should include exact dates, times, off-days and travel adjustments for athletic practices. Adjustments to this schedule will be permitted with prior approval pending space availability. Athletics must request space for individual instruction, conditioning, and out-of-season workouts at least two months in advance. Request of space for UofM sponsored events, camps, clinics, meets and tournaments should be submitted at least one month in advance and in accordance with the university policies and procedures established for such activities.

Scheduling Facilities

All Campus Recreation facilities will be scheduled in accordance with established priorities. Athletic programs are scheduled according to a variety of factors. These include applicable priority systems, availability, rotations, special events, appropriate use, out-of-season activities and inter-departmental priorities. Scheduling conflicts between individual athletic programs will be reviewed by the athletic director. "Bumping" of lower priority programs from a facility space by another activity will not be permitted once schedules have been requested and approved, unless special circumstances exist. Special circumstances will be determined by the Campus Recreation Executive Director.

Periodically, pre-established schedules must be altered due to special university activities, maintenance problems, weather or other instances beyond control. Every effort will be made to notify and accommodate each athletic program's practice and competition needs when the need arises. All visiting team practice requests should be forwarded to the Director of Operations for formal scheduling one month in advance. Every effort should be made to avoid scheduling multiple contests of differing sports and activities at the same time. Any items not specifically noted in these guidelines will be reviewed by the Campus Recreation Executive Director. 


The following fees may apply:

  • Per head user
  • Supervisor and/or entry staff
  • Lifeguard
  • Game official
  • Clock operator
  • Custodial fee
  • Security guard
  • Physical plant
  • Work orders
  • Light use fee

On-campus organizations that fail to pay rental/damages fees, either through insufficient funds, or by ignoring invoices, will not be allowed to book the space again until all previous debts are paid, and will be required to place a deposit before booking future events.

Off-campus organizations must pay all initial rental fees at least one week prior to the event. Additional costs (damages, equipment, technician hours, etc.) will be billed to the organization after they are assessed. Off-campus organizations that fail to pay invoices for any reason will not be allowed to book the space again for a length of time to be determined by management. Failure to pay in a timely fashion may result in late fees, loss of all booking privileges, as well as legal action. Once cleared, future events will require advance payment.

*We accept University transfer vouchers, cash, credit cards and checks only.

If you have any questions, please contact recspacerequest@memphis.edu.

Filming or Taking Photos On Campus

Approval to film or photograph on University of Memphis property is required for internal and external parties. Please complete this form and email it to logo@memphis.edua minimum of 10 days before the requested filming date. You will be contacted within two business days after receipt. Completion of this form does not guarantee approval of the use of University property for filming or photography.

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