Bookstore Advance Payment Plan (BAPP)

To utilize BAPP you must have the following:

  • Excess Aid of at least $300
  • Valid Campus (ID) Card

What is BAPP?

The Bookstore Advance Payment Plan (BAPP) is a program that will allow qualified student to use their excess authorized financial aid at the University Bookstore to buy textbooks and school supplies prior to the date that financial aid will be released to students.

What is excess aid?
Excess authorized aid is the aid that will be available after all university fees are paid. 

When will BAPP be available?

Why would I want to use the BAPP?
During this time period, qualified students are allowed to buy early and be prepared for class — all while taking advantage of lower priced used textbooks before they fly out the door.

How do I qualify?
You qualify if your excess aid (Total Charges minus Aid) is at least $300.

How do I sign up?
You do not need to sign up. Excess aid between $300 and $1,300 is transferred to the plan automatically. 

Can I decide how much I want to transfer to the plan?
No. Excess aid between $300 and $1,300 will be transferred to the plan automatically. 

How do I use the money to buy my books and supplies?
You will access these funds for in person purchases at the University Bookstore using your Campus (ID) Card through a fund called “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance.” For the bookstore's hours of operation, please visit this link Please note: The Bookstores will have special hours after the semester ends and during the holidays. Be sure and check the store hours on their website during this time.

Where can I buy my books?
This advanced fund may only be used to purchase textbooks and school supplies at the University Bookstore. Please Note: Law and Lambuth students can utilize BAPP at the bookstore on their campus as well as the Main Campus bookstore.

How do I know how much is available on the “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance?"
Log on to your Campus Card account during the dates listed above. Your BAPP funds will be visible under “Your Card Transactions” as “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” and amount will be indicated under “Current Balance.” Please Note: The posting of the “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” is not an automatic process. It may take up to 24 business hours after your authorized aid has been posted to your UofM account to be available at the bookstore.

What if I choose not to take advantage of the Bookstore Advance Payment Plan?
BAPP is not mandatory. If unused, your excess aid will be refunded by direct deposit (if you have signed up) or a check will be mailed to you following the normal refund schedule.

What if I add or drop classes or move into the dorm or lose my aid?
Available “Bookstore Fin Aid Advance” may be adjusted due to subsequent changes in your account.

What if I make adjustments to my account and I’ve already spent the money at the bookstore?
At the end of the period listed above, a charge will be placed on your UofM account for the amount that you charged at the bookstore. When financial aid is released to pay your tuition and fees, the bookstore charge will also be paid. If the aid is not enough to pay the bookstore charge due to reduction in aid and/or added classes or other new charges, then you will be liable for payment of the bookstore charge and you will have a University & Student Business Services financial hold placed on your account until your account is paid in full.

If you have questions about your UofM account status, please check TigerXpress. For information on excess financial aid/scholarship refunds, please visit the Financial Aid Office.

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