American Athletic Conference Awards

(All AAC Academic Awards are recognized during the spring semester.)

All-Academic Football Team: TBA.

All-Academic Team (sports other than football): An award given to top student-athletes in each sport as determined by Conference USA at the time of each sport's conference championship.

American Eagle Outfitters Institutional Scholar-Athlete: An award given to only one Conference USA student-athlete per sport for academic, athletic and service excellence.

American Eagle Outfitters Postgraduate Leadership Award: An award given to only twelve Conference USA athletes per year. The recipient is given a one-time scholarship of $4000.

Basketball-Scholar Athlete: An award given to only one Conference USA basketball student athlete for academic, athletic and service excellence. [Overview]

Football-Scholar Athlete: An award given to only one Conference USA football student-athlete for academic, athletic and service excellence. [Overview]

Scholar-Athlete Sport Excellence Award: An award given to twenty-one student athletes for outstanding athletic, academic and service excellence. [Overview]

Team Academic Excellence Award: TBA.

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