Samantha Hall wins award for Leadership in Diversity at the 2023 Immune Modulation and Engineering Symposium

Samantha Hall Leadership in Diversity Award

Samantha Hall, PhD student, in the UofM-UTHSC Joint BME Graduate Program presented her work "Evaluating the immunomodulary effects of raspberry ketone in vitro for guided bone regeneration' at the 2023 Immune Modulation and Engineering Symposium held at Drexel University Dec 2023.

The Conference hosts many of the national & international experts in examining ways that the immune system impacts success of biomaterial and tissue engineered/regenerative medicine devices and how to manipulate or engineer immune responses to address healing, tissue regeneration and control disease. In addition to sharing her important work in identifying the immunomodulary properties of raspberry ketone and how it may be able to impact healing in dental guided bone regeneration therapies, she received student award for Leadership in Diversity.

She was selected based on essay she submitted on her contributions to diversity in the field. Essays were judged by a student committee of the conference and final decision made by the conference organizing committee. Award recognizes Samatha's work in co-founding the Alliance for Women Engineering of Color at UofM, and in mentoring local high school students of predominantly underrepresented backgrounds.

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