BME students selected for 2023 St. Jude POE Internship

Undergraduate BME students Saorla Miller and Dylan Thompson have been named as trainees in St. Jude's prestigious Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) internship program this summer, working with Dr. Puneet Bagga. The POE program at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is funded by the National Institutes of Health / National Cancer Institute. The POE program offers a unique opportunity for students preparing for careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. The POE program provides a short-term training experience (summer internship) in either laboratory research or clinical research. (click here to learn more about the POE program at St. Jude) Congratulations, Saorla and Dylan! . 

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