Accelerated B.S.-to-M.S. student Samantha Hall wins Awards & Fellowship

BME Accelerated-Bachelors-to-Masters student Samantha Hall has been selected by the Department to receive the 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award, in recognition of her leadership with SWE, Alliance for Women Engineers of Color, AEMB BME Honor Society, and others; her research in determining macrophage cell polarization with guided bone regeneration membranes; and her service with TN Achieves. Samantha was chosen by the Helen Hardin Honors College to receive the 2023 Director's Award for Scholarship in recognition of her research as well. Also in recognition of her leadership, research, and service, Samantha was recently awarded a 2023 Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship! Samantha will be continuing her graduate studies as a PhD student in the UofM-UTHSC Joint BME program, and we look forward to all the amazing things she will continue to accomplish!

Hall awards collage

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