Campus Cleanout | March 3 | 10am-2pm | Hyde Hall (UofM Lambuth)   -and-   March 10 | 9am-3pm | Student Plaza | Recycle and shred items that are cluttering your office

MARCH 13 | 9 AM - 2 PM

Surplus, recycle, and shred items that are cluttering your office.

Declutter Your Office

Shred and Recycle | Student Plaza

Surplus | Rose Theatre South Lobby (RM 115)

Surplus | Recycle | Shred


Declutter your office and bring unwanted surplus items to the Rose Theatre South Lobby, Room 115, on Campus Cleanup Day. Your trash could be someone's treasure, so if you see something you like or need, take it with you. Wagons and dollies will be available for check out in the Rose Theatre Lobby and must be returned the same day by 2pm.

For surplus ONLY, early drop-off will be permitted prior to the event on March 12th in the Rose Theatre South Lobby, Room 115, from 10am - 2pm. Wagons and dollies will be available to check out and must be returned on the same day by 2pm.

A Physical Plant work request must be placed to Surplus to remove any surplus items that are too large or heavy.

Acceptable Items:  Unacceptable Items: 
Office Supplies Computers
Scanners Laptops
Printers iPads
Monitors Any item with university tag



A recycle table will also be available on Campus Cleanout Day. 

Acceptable recycle items include: batteries, ink/toner cartridges, Styrofoam, and cardboard.


The destruction of university records requires prior approval. View instructions related to destroying University records. 

ONLY paper products from the University are allowed (staples and paper clips are okay).

NO BINDERS. Please remove all items from binders prior to arrival

This event is for the destruction of confidential documents ONLY. Non-confidential documents should be discarded in recycling bins on campus.

This event is open to University of Memphis personnel ONLY.

Submit a Physical Plant Work Request at least two days prior to the event if assistance is needed in moving any materials confidential from buildings.

For questions about this event, please contact Amelia Mayahi at a.mayahi@memphis.edu.

* NOTE: Due to the upcoming Physical Plant work order management system upgrade, on-line submission of work requests will be unavailable between February 27th - March 2nd.

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