Biological Sciences Undergraduates


As you're waiting for classes to start, think about applying for a Biology Scholarship. Information is available on the Department of Biological Sciences Scholarship page.

Applications should be submitted online at the Tiger Scholarship Manager accessible through the myMemphis portal. Additional information on how and where to apply can be found on the University Scholarship Website www.memphis.edu/scholarships.

Undergraduate Information

Selecting courses, advising prior to registration, providing information regarding college and university requirements, transfer programs, and guiding students along the path to graduation and beyond are just a few of the services provided by the Biology Advising and Resource Center (BARC).   

All Biology  majors that have completed CHEM 1110/1111 should come to the BARC for advising, unless they have arranged for a faculty advisor.  Students that have not yet successfully passed CHEM 1110/1111 are generally seen by advisors in the ACC-Academic Advising Center.

All students should come to the BARC for general information on Biology Permits, Degree Requirements, and Career Information.

Biology Major (B.S.)

Students who earn a B.S. in Biology should attain the following objectives: (a) possession of a fundamental understanding of biology spanning from the subcellular to the ecosystem level; (b) the ability to compete successfully for admission to graduate and professional programs and for entry level employment that utilizes the knowledge and training acquired during their academic program; (c) development of skills in analysis, synthesis, and quantitative reasoning that are essential in hypothesis testing, critical thinking, interpretation of scientific data, and written and oral communication.

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