B&F Tactical Plan: Accountability
Integrity, transparency, excellence and the highest standards govern everything we
- Conduct comprehensive review and update of Business Continuity Plan to ensure preparedness
and minimize risk.
- Create an automated electronic process for records transmittals, destruction requests
and records inventory reports to increase use of ease and eliminate the current paper
- Collaborate with Business & Finance leadership to review and update policies to reflect
current best practice standards.
- Lead the rollout and expanded usage of the Chrome River Travel and Expense software;
serve as the ‘one-stop-shop’ for travel support.
- Roll out Kuali Business Continuity Software campus-wide.
- Complete Rental Property strategic plan.
- Consolidate and implement a robust and updated Contracts Management Database.
- Implement a supplier performance management process that includes appropriately scheduled
key supplier reviews.
- Implement Quarterly Financial Reporting for the EVP/CFO.
- Implement GASB reporting functionality through Banner to eliminate use of Excel.
- Implement GASB 87- Leases and GASB 84 – Fiduciary Activities.
- Improve Code and Safety aspects of facilities including elevators, fire alarms, generators
and installation of lock-down hardware for all classrooms.
- Implement CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) with safety and security
- Complete campus-wide building inventory and assessment with emphasis on preventive
maintenance database creation.
- Make progress on new Computerized Maintenance Management System (Phase 1 Assets) with
Physical Plant and Space Planning to replace Mapper. Concentrate on procuring software
and inputting data into the facility asset/condition section of this initiative and
completing the Physical Facility Inventory Survey as required by THEC.
- Develop and implement policies and processes that address high hazard areas, equipment
and tasks.
- Enhance current safety programs and develop future safety programs utilizing risk