We Are Movin' on Up!

Wider TowerThe Hooks Institute is thrilled to relocate to a new space on the 11th floor of Wilder Tower at the University of Memphis.

The new offices will honor the legacy of our namesake, Dr. Benjamin L. Hooks, by allowing us to expand our community engagement programs, increase media and documentary filmmaking capacity, and increase the visibility of the institute across the campus and community! 

Naming opportunities are available for those who wish to make larger gifts.

Donate to the Hooks Renovation Fund > 

Wilder Tower PlansWilder Tower SchematicsThis renovation is funded entirely with donated dollars.

We invite you to make a $1,000 or more donation to this renovation to be featured on our “donor wall” in the renovated space! 

Please contact Daphene R. McFerren, executive director, regarding renovation gifts and naming opportunities at 901.678.3974 or drmcfrrn@memphis.edu.

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