Give to us so that we may give back

Our Mission

The Hooks Institute's mission is teaching, studying and promoting civil rights and social change.


The online giving process is fast, easy, and secure.

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By Mail

Please make check payable to "University of Memphis Foundation." To donate to the Hooks Institute General Fund, please write "Hooks Institute" in the memo line. GIfts to the General Fund are unrestricted funds and allow the Hooks Institute to use donations where most needed.  To donate specifically to the Hooks Academic Achievement and Mentoring Initiative Fund, please write "HAAMI" in the memo line.  To donate to A Seat at the Table, please write "ASATT" in the memo line.

Mail the check to:
Department 238, UofM Foundation
P.O. Box 1000, Memphis, TN 38148-0001

Our Funding

The Hooks Institute programs and signature events are integral to The University of Memphis (UofM) and greater community. We believe it is imperative that most, if not all of our programs, remain free and open to the public in order to encourage social change at the grassroots level. As a result, we rely on donations and grant funding to support our efforts.

View Our Programs >


Throughout his life, Dr. Hooks continued to press the cause for civil rights by encouraging both the study of the American Civil Rights Movement and the identification of contemporary issues that affect minorities, the poor, and the disadvantaged. On April 15, 2010, he died at age 85, leaving the Hooks Institute to continue his commitment to social change. Your contributions will allow us to sustain and expand our work, building upon the legacy of Dr. Hooks.

If you have any questions, please call our office at (901) 678-3974 or e-mail us at bhi@memphis.edu

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