About Us
Our research is multidisciplinary and integrates the sciences of anatomy, biomechanics, artificial intelligence and computer vision as well as computer, electrical and biomedical engineering. A secondary focus of the BBRC is to raise awareness of breast-related health issues including activity-induced breast pain, breast support sizing and support and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Areas of Research Focus
Breast Anthropometry
This research focus aims to use existing sensor technology to classify three-dimensional breast volumes and shapes through the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms including machine learning and neural network algorithms. The findings would be relevant to the breast support apparel industry.
Sport Performance & Injury
This area of research investigates the secondary effects of breast support on biomechanical and bioenergetic performance of sport-related movements such as running, jumping, landing and cutting. Further, this research focus seeks to identify breast- and breast support-related factors contributing to sport-related injury.
Computer Simulation Modeling
Our computer modeling research will enable us to answer important questions regarding the unique biomechanics of breast tissue along with the secondary and tertiary effects of breast movement during activities of daily living and sport as well as clinical populations including individuals post-mastectomy and post-augmentation.
The development of novel models of breast motion represents a stand-alone research focus while modeling the secondary effects of breast motion on other anatomical structures represents a supporting component of other research foci.
Sports Bra Performance
Our research in sports bra performance during a wide range of sport-related movement patterns has informed research and development of breast support apparel. By focusing on the five pillars of sports bra performance, our research evaluates the efficacy of developing sports bra designs to reduce breast motion and the deleterious outcomes of the secondary effects of breast displacement.
Spine Health
Our collaborative research in the area of breast and spine biomechanics enables us to perform innovative research studies investigating the effect of breast characteristics (mass, location, stiffness) on spinal structures through in vivo and in vitro studies as well as computer simulation modeling.
This research focus seeks to identify the mechanisms by which breast-related factors associated with acute spine injury as well as chronic spinal degeneration. Key aspects of this research focus pertain to breast and spine changes associated with advancing age, surgical treatment of spine injury and degenerative disc disease.
Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound System
This research focus involves the development and testing of a robotic 3D ultrasound system to automate breast cancer screenings to diagnose breast cancer in low socioeconomic and rural populations. This collaborative research represents a research line specifically focused on telehealth to reduce the disparities in healthcare access for underserved minorities and rural settings.