The Automatic Identification Lab

The goal of the Automatic Identification (AutoID) Laboratory is to promote the usage of all of the automatic identification technologies. Whether it be bar coding, radio frequency identification (RFID), biometrics or smart cards - the AutoID Lab is ready to help both students and companies to make the right choices.

We are currently working with R2Labs to determine how to apply AI to RFID location data with the goal of being able to better determine when tags are in motion.

Also, check out our great new RFID in Parcel demo (full video) which was donated by Avery Dennison.

Have questions? Need help? Just want to check us out? You can contact us via phone, email or in person...

Director: Kevin Berisso, Ph.D. Phone: 901-678-4300
Address:  4050 South Park Loop

                 Building 29, room 115
                 Memphis, Tennessee 38152-3210

Email: autoid@memphis.edu
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