
Department of Architecture Honor Code

The Honor Code of the University of Memphis Department of Architecture states:  "I will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do."

Students must also abide fully by the policies, rules, and regulations set forth in the Department of Architecture Student Policies Manual and the applicable documents of the University of Memphis.  Among these are the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.  Additional information may be obtained from the University of Memphis Student Accountability.

New Student Orientation

Visit UofM Freshmen Orientation

All incoming First Year students must attend the UofM New Student Orientation (NSO).  There are special NSO sessions specifically for Architecture and Interior Architecture majors.  Please check with the Orientation Office for dates and details.  Parents are encouraged to attend the NSO sessions in the Department of Architecture with the students.  Transfer students should consult with the Department of Architecture regarding NSO.


All architecture and interior architecture students must meet with a Department of Architecture advisor prior to being permitted to enroll in courses offered by the Department. In addition to general advising sessions, students may schedule an appointment to meet individually with an advisor.  Professor Jennifer Barker serves as advising coordinator for the Department of Architecture.  She also serves as academic advisor to all Master of Architecture students and First Year BFA-Architecture/Interior Architecture students.

BFA Entrance Evaluation Portfolio

Visit Entrance Evaluation Guidelines & General Information

All students intending to pursue the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree within the Department of Architecture must complete the Entrance Evaluation. This is in addition to the admission requirements of the University of Memphis.  The Evaluation consists of an application form, a writing element, and a portfolio of representative work.  Submissions are reviewed by faculty and applicants are accepted on the basis of potential in the study of architecture or interior architecture.  More information is provided at the Department of Architecture New Student Orientation (see above) and in the ARCH 1120 Introduction to Architecture + Design course.

Transfer students seeking advanced standing should submit a portfolio representing previously completed architecture and/or interior architecture design studio work as well as detailed professional/technical course information. The review committee will determine if the work is equivalent to comparable courses at the University of Memphis.  Placement in the degree program is dependent upon the review.  Even if admitted with advanced standing, the student may be required to remedy previous course deficiencies.  For more information, please contact the Department of Architecture.

BFA Candidacy Review Portfolio

Candidacy Review Guidelines & General Information

A Candidacy Review Portfolio must be submitted after completion of the BFA in Architecture and/or BFA in Interior Architecture core with a grade of C or better in all courses. This occurs at the end of the fourth semester of study.  Representative work from all architecture and interior architecture core courses must be included in the Portfolio.  Admission to the University of Memphis and completion of the core courses do not guarantee placement in the BFA in Architecture and/or BFA in Interior Architecture degree program.  Admission is selective and is based on an evaluation of the Portfolio and course work reflecting professional standards and expectations of the Department of Architecture.

After review, the candidate is notified of one of the following: (1) full acceptance into the BFA in Architecture and/or BFA in Interior Architecture degree program, (2) one semester acceptance into the program on a probationary basis, (3) recommendation to correct the deficiencies and reapply, (4) recommendation to pursue general studies courses for a year and reapply, or (5) denial of admission into the Program.  Permission to enroll in any 3000-4000 level course within the Department of Architecture is based upon this review.  Consultation with a faculty advisor is strongly recommended before or during preparation of the Candidacy Review Portfolio.

Department of Architecture Teaching + Learning Culture Policy

Teaching + Learning Culture Policy

The Department of Architecture focuses on fostering a studio environment that provides high quality educational experiences while pursuing new knowledge through research, artistic expression, and interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship.  By creating and maintaining an environment that is both positive and respectful, the creative process is much more likely to emerge and succeed.  The Teaching + Learning Culture Policy was developed by the University of Memphis Chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) in partnership with the faculty of the Department of Architecture.  It is reviewed and updated periodically.


Architecture Scholarships

Several scholarships are available to qualified architecture and interior architecture students through the Department of Architecture.  NOTE:  Undergraduate students must have successfully completed Candidacy Review to be considered.

Scholarships marked with an asterisk must be applied for through the UofM Tiger Scholarship Manager and the Department of Architecture.  Others are applied for through the Department of Architecture. 

In addition, the University of Memphis and the College of Communication and Fine Arts offer academic and other scholarships at various levels in a number of different categories.

Awards and Special Recognition

The Department of Architecture offers several special awards either through the Department or in partnership with professional and academic organizations.  These are:

  • American Institute of Architects Medal for Academic Excellence  (graduate)
  • Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Jonathan King Student Medal  (graduate)
  • Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal  (undergraduate)
  • Tau Sigma Delta National Architecture Honor Society Bronze Medal  (graduate)
  • Department of Architecture Graduate Achievement Award  (graduate)
  • Department of Architecture Graduate Research Award  (graduate)
  • Department of Architecture Creative Achievement Award  (graduate and undergraduate)
  • Department of Architecture Academic Achievement Award  (graduate and undergraduate)
  • Department of Architecture Design Studio Awards  (graduate and undergraduate)

Student Organizations

The Department of Architecture is home to four registered student organizations. These are the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the Construction Specifications Institute Student Affiliate (CSI-S), the International Interior Design Association Campus Center (IIDA-CC), and the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS).  The Department also has a chapter of Tau Sigma Delta (TSD), the national architecture and design honor society.

These organizations sponsor various events throughout the academic year including workshops, special lectures, and site visits to architecture offices and built and under construction projects. They offer an opportunity to meet other students and practicing professionals through participation in professional, educational, and social activities.

Membership in AIAS, CSI-S, IIDA-CC, and NOMAS is open to any student in architecture or interior architecture.  Students may join at any time.  Membership in TSD is based upon academic excellence demonstrated by students who have completed at least five semesters in architecture and/or interior architecture.

Professional Registration

Becoming a Registered Architect
Architect Registration Exam (ARE) Pass Rates
Becoming an Interior Designer

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