Jimmie Tucker

Jimmie Tucker, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, NOMA

Jimmie Tucker is a founding principal of Self Tucker Architects (STA).  During a career spanning 25 years, Jimmie has remained highly committed to designing and building better communities.  He is a native Memphian and in recent years he has focused his work at STA toward revitalizing Downtown Memphis and various neighborhoods.  Among those projects are the FedEx Forum, Stax Museum and Academy and four of the five Memphis Hope VI sites.

Jimmie holds a Bachelor degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University and received a Master of Architecture from Washington University in St. Louis.  In 2006 he was recognized as a Distinguished Alumni of the Washington University School of Architecture.

Jimmie is an active member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA); he is Past President of the AIA Memphis Chapter and currently President of the NOMA Memphis Chapter.  He serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Leadership Academy of Memphis, Memphis Regional Design Center and United Housing Incorporated.  He is also actively involved with the Paul R. Williams Project as a member of the Project Committee.

Since 2006 an Adjunct Instructor of Architecture at the University of Memphis, Jimmie has also been a leader in educating the public and promoting good design.  He is often asked to address community groups about community planning and revitalization strategies.

In addition to his planning and architectural expertise, Jimmie engages in real estate development.  His current projects are the renovation of the Universal Life Insurance Building as offices for STA and others and several affordable Green Homes.

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