Architecture Scholars Institute

The Architecture Scholars Institute, formerly Discovering Architecture + Design, is a college-preparatory and portfolio-building experience for 9th-12th graders who are interested in learning more about designing the built environment and the professions of architecture and interior design.  Each component in the series is structured around a different aspect of the professions and design school.  Participants are tracked through high school and are eligible to receive assistance with college selection, admissions & financial aid. 

University of Memphis Department of Architecture faculty and architects from AIA Memphis provide an introduction to architectural and structural concepts, model building and freehand drawing.  Visit Memphis architecture firms, tour area building projects and hear from the architects who imagined them.  Work to solve design puzzles, learn about sustainable construction, how buildings contribute to 40% of all carbon emissions and small incremental steps each of us can take to help resolve the climate crisis. 

Tuition covers instruction, materials, field trips, and tours.  Scholarships are available.  Email Amber Lombardo describing the financial need along with two letters of support from area High School faculty.

Questions:   Visit the Architecture Scholars Institute website. Or, contact Amber Lombardo, Executive Director AIA Memphis, at alombardo@aiamemphis.org or 901.525.3818. 

The Architecture Scholars Institute is sponsored by AIA Memphis, a chapter of the American Institute of Architects, in partnership with the Department of Architecture.
Architecture Scholars Institute

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