Alumni - Stay Connected!

The completion of your architecture or interior architecture degree is the first of the three steps necessary to become an architect or interior designer:  education, experience, and examination.
We encourage you to stay connected with the Department of Architecture by joining the University of Memphis Alumni Association (please be sure to denote your degree in the Department of Architecture!), by attending lectures and other events,  by visiting the design studios, and by mentoring students.  We also want to hear about your accomplishments, where you are working, and other success stories.

Update Your Information 

We are currently updating our alumni records. If you graduated from one of our current degree programs (MArch, BFA in Architecture, BFA in Interior Architecture) or the previous BFA in Interior Design or BSET (Architectural Technology) degree programs, please e-mail us and include the information below:
name (if your name has changed, please include your name when you graduated) / year of graduation / degree(s) earned / current position / address / telephone number / e-mail / any other Information you would like to share

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