Undergraduate Information

What does training in Anthropology do for you?

Anthropology majors develop cross-cultural communication, human relations, critical thinking, writing, analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, planning, and community outreach skills.  It is an ideal field to prepare for jobs that require people skills, and understanding of multicultural and institutional dynamics.  The minor in Anthropology is also valuable for those planning to work with diverse national and international populations.

Whether you are seeking a degree in anthropology or pursuing an interest in anthropology through electives, the undergraduate anthropology program will give you the opportunity to study the cultures and behaviors of people from around the world throughout time. A degree in anthropology presents diverse opportunities and serves as a good foundation in fields ranging from pre-med to pre-law. Our dynamic and award-winning faculty create opportunities for enriched learning geared towards a broad array of interests. A recent survey of graduating seniors in the anthropology program found that 100% were 'very satisfied' with the accessibility of faculty and  94% were 'very satisfied' with the quality of teaching in the department. 89% of graduating seniors were very satisfied with the faculty's concern for their progress. Click here to find out what some of our undergrad alums are doing now. 

In this section:

Undergraduate Advising Coordinator

Kenny Latta
Phone: (901) 678-2080

Set up an advising appointment.

Bachelor of Arts with Major in Anthropology

Our department offers an undergraduate major in Anthropology. Those seeking a major in anthropology, in addition to completing University requirements for a BA degree, are required to take 30 hours of anthropology courses, including the following core courses:

  • ANTH 1100 Human Origins and Variation

  • ANTH 1200 Cultural Anthropology

  • ANTH 3200 Peoples and Cultures of the World

  • ANTH 4065 Contemporary Anthropological Theory

Students can select from a variety of undergraduate courses offered by the department every semester to complete the 18 additional semester hours, at least 6 of these hours must be at the 4000 level. 

Bachelor of Arts with Minor in Anthropology

Students who choose to minor in anthropology must complete 4 core anthropology courses (ANTH 1100, 1200, 3200, and 4065; 12 credit hours) and at least 6 credit hours of anthropology electives.

Some of our anthropology electives consist of: American Communities, Anthropology and Environment, Anthropology and Education, Anthropology and Human Rights, Anthropology of Religion, Culture and Mental Health, Human Adaptations, Medical Anthropology, Museum Collections, Neighborhood Development, Nutritional Anthropology, Peoples of Africa, and more!

Honors Program

The Honors Program in Anthropology is open to Anthropology majors only and requires:

  • (a) an inclusive grade point average of at least 3.00,
  • (b) a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 in the major,
  • (c) the completion of ANTH 4010: Ethnographic Methods;
  • (d) four honors courses in anthropology;
  • (e) the completion of independent research (traditional or engaged scholarship) culminating in an original research thesis or creative work.

Those students who complete the program and the regular college requirements will be recognized at the commencement ceremony by having their degree conferred, "With Honors in Anthropology." Moreover, the student's diploma and the record at the University of Memphis will reflect this accomplishment. 

For full details and application information, see the Honors in Anthropology web page.

Accelerated B.A / M.A. in Anthropology

This program allows outstanding undergraduates to begin the coursework for the Master of Arts in Anthropology during their senior year. Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the Accelerated B.A./M.A. program early in their undergraduate career, in consultation with their advisor in the Department of Anthropology. For more information, see the Accelerated B.A / M.A. web page.


Class Scheduling

Trying to plan ahead? This class schedule shows our rotation plan for courses in upcoming semesters of odd (e.g. 2021) and even (e.g. 2022) years. Use this to think about what you will be taking as you move toward graduation. We frequently offer additional classes that do not appear on this template--so be sure to check the current class listings and bulletin boards around the department.


Archaeology is one of anthropology's major subfields. Students at U of M are encouraged to explore archaeology through individual coursework, summer field work, and internships. Many of these experiences are offered through the Earth Sciences Department. To facilitate undergraduate training in archaeology, the Anthropology and Earth Sciences Departments coordinate to provide a double major covering the physical, methodological, and cultural aspects of the field.

Visit the Archaeology roadmap page for more information on an ANTH/ESCI double major. 

Undergraduate Internship Opportunities

Our department has partnered with many organizations, institutions, and non-profits all over Memphis to host our undergraduates and graduate students in formal internship positions.  Check out the links below to view our Internship Pamphlet and List of Internship Opportunities. 

Internship Pamphlet

List of Internship Opportunities

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