Medical Anthropology

Medical Anthropology explores the practice of medicine in different cultural contexts. Research focuses on understanding health and well-being, illness, prevention and treatment of sickness, access to medical treatments based on identity, politics of medicine, medical discourse, and cultural knowledge about medicine and the body.

Relevant Faculty: Hicks, Robertson

Applying Medical Anthropology in Memphis

In addition to ongoing faculty research and community engagement, the department also offers opportunities for students in medical anthropology.

The department encourages undergraduate students to participate as interns (ANTH 4970) in community organizations throughout the city. Partner organizations include ALSAC/St. JudeA Step Ahead Foundation, and Church Health, among many others.

As part of the graduate program in anthropology students engage in applied practicum  work, and can also graduate with a Concentration in Applied Medical Anthropology. Graduate students may also take advantage of our three-year integrated MA/MPH program.