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Professor Allen joined the Memphis law faculty in 2010. She teaches Torts I, Torts II, Health Law Organization and Finance, Health Law Survey, and a Health Law Seminar. Professor Allen was voted Professor of the Year in 2013. Her research interests includes health policy, pharmaceutical regulation, and medical malpractice. Professor Allen’s work was one of only four articles chosen for presentation at the American Society of Health Medicine and Ethics/ SLU Law Health Scholars workshop in 2012.


J.D., Yale Law School, 2003; B.A., magna cum laude with honors in Psychology, Loyola University, 1999.


State Bar of Texas, DC Bar.



Assistant Professor of Law, 2010-Present; Healthcare/FDA Associate, Arnold & Porter LLP, 2007-2009; Law Clerk, The Honorable Paulette Delk, Federal Bankruptcy Judge, Memphis, TN, 2006-2007; Law Clerk, The Honorable Samuel H. Mays, Jr., Federal District Court Judge, Memphis, TN, 2005-2006; Employee Benefits Associate, Baker Botts LLP, Houston, TX, 2003-2005


Summer Associate, Allen & Overy, London, England, Summer 2002; Summer Associate, Vinson & Elkins LLP, Houston, TX, Summer 2002; Summer Associate, Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, Houston, TX, Summer 2001; Student Clerk, Dept. of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review, New Orleans, LA, 1997-2000; Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Dr. Kim Ernst, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA, 1999.

Honors and Awards

Tennessee Art Education Association Special Needs Art Educator of the Year, 2013
Nominated for the Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award. 2013
Honorable Mention in TAEA Juried Exhibition, Belmont University, Nashville TN, 2012

Research and Scholarly Activities

Research Interests

Teaching interests: Health Law, Torts, ERISA, Food & Drug Law


State Mandated Disability Insurance as Salve to the Consumer Bankruptcy Imbroglio, 2011 BYU L. Rev 1327 (2011) Regulating Health and Wealth (Forthcoming) Cardozo Law Review (2013)
Representative Publications: State Mandated Disability Insurance as Salve to the Consumer Bankruptcy Imbroglio, 2011 BYU L. Rev 1327 (2011) Regulating Health and Wealth (Forthcoming) Cardozo Law Review (2013)
Journals: State Mandated Disability Insurance as Salve to the Consumer Bankruptcy Imbroglio, 2011 BYU L. Rev 1327 (2011) Regulating Health and Wealth (Forthcoming) Cardozo Law Review (2013)

Regional Lectures

Heise, D. (2005). Differentiation of Instruction in the ArtRoom. Invited lecture at the Shelby Co Schools Art Teacher Inservice, Southwest Community College, Memphis, TN, 2005.

Invitational and/or Juried Exhibitions

Heise, D. (2014). Premonition II. National Art Education Association Women's Caucus Art Exhibition.

Public Service

Co-presenter at “Si Se Puede” Latino Youth Leadership Conference, UGA, GA – 2006
Organized art auction for the Tennille Family that raised over $4,000.00 – 2006
Co-curated photographic exhibition with Travis Linville at the Old Capitol

Campus Organizations

Soar Mentor 2005 – present
Search Committee for a Director Of Institutional Equity 2005


Submitted Fostering Resilience Through Art and Literacy for Families Who are Homeless. A $9,000 grand co-authored with Dr. Laurie MacGilivray to the Peyton Foundation, 2012



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Graduate Students

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